Sunday, December 31, 2017
FPcast for January 1 2018: Fappy Awards 2017
It's that time again where we review the year that was, giving out our FPcast Fappy Awards to our favourite films, performances and moments. Plus lists of great films you may have missed, our biggest disappointments, and our new pop culture crushes. And who will win this year's coveted Golden Fappy award for best pop culture person of 2017?
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And be sure to SUBSCRIBE to us on iTunes because we do this every week! And join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group! And you can now get bonus episodes by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
movie review,
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
FPcast for December 27 2017: Jumanji!
We're back with some post Boxing Day reviews! This week we look at Call Me By Your Name, Huge Jackedman's The Greatest Showman, and the new updated crazy monkeyless version of Jumanji!
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And be sure to SUBSCRIBE to us on iTunes because we do this every week! And join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group! And you can now get bonus episodes by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
movie review,
Saturday, December 23, 2017
Dungeons and Drongos Episode 20: ChrisTmas Special, Deep Dickens, Part 2
Merry Christmas/Jolly Jumbuck, Cobbers! Here's the final part of this year's ChrisTmas Special adventure! Leaving it with you for the holidays while we take off for a week or two - expect new episodes to recommence mid January. In the mean time, if we've managed to entertain you at all this year then we'd love it if you liked our page, or rated or reviewed us or iTunes or anything else to spread the love! Thanks for a great first year and we'll see you all soon!
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You should SUBSCRIBE to us on iTunes - because we do this every week! And here is the RSS FEED.
Please support our new show by rating/reviewing and sharing our content. And why not join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group!? Or even go hog wild by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
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Dungeons and Drongos,
Dungeons and Drongos Episode 20: ChrisTmas Special, Deep Dickens, Part 1
As a festive treat, here's a brand new Christmas adventure to tide you over until the New Year! Thanks for all your support, enjoy your holidays, and Part 2 will be arriving tomorrow on Christmas Eve! It's Christmas Dungeons and Dragons set in Fantasy Australia! Enjoy!
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You should SUBSCRIBE to us on iTunes - because we do this every week! And here is the RSS FEED.
Please support our new show by rating/reviewing and sharing our content. And why not join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group!? Or even go hog wild by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
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Dungeons and Drongos,
Friday, December 22, 2017
Half Hour History Christmas Special 2017: The Yule Lads
Ho ho ho it's a surprise Half Hour History Christmas special where we get into the legends of Iceland's Yule Lads. Ever wanted your sausage swiped? This is the story for you!
Download here! (click to stream, right-click to save)
Subscribe to us on iTunes as we do this every fortnight! Meanwhile, join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group! And you can now get bonus episodes by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
Half Hour History,
Monday, December 18, 2017
Dungeons and Drongos Episode 19: The Rat's Nest Rapscallions Part 2
Strewth! This week is the conclusion to The Rat's Nest Rapscallions as our party, and guest player - former Fantasy Australian Idol contestant Shannon Troll - race across Rat's Nest Island to find Captain Birdseye's legendary treasure. Full disclosure: I - the DM - am so drunk in this one that it is detrimental to gameplay so I'm very embarrassed about it. But the good news is that it was recorded two months ago and I have not had a drink since. Plus THIS WEEKEND you are getting a two-part Christmas Special so you do not have long to wait for new content. Enjoy?
Download here! (click to stream, right-click to save)
You should SUBSCRIBE to us on iTunes - because we do this every week! And here is the RSS FEED.
Please support our new show by rating/reviewing and sharing our content. And why not join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group!? Or even go hog wild by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
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Dungeons and Drongos,
Sunday, December 17, 2017
FPcast for December 18 2017: The Last Jedi
So this episode is entirely a spoiler-filled deep dive into The Last Jedi. Nothing else to see here, folks! Get on it!
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And be sure to SUBSCRIBE to us on iTunes because we do this every week! And join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group! And you can now get bonus episodes by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
Monday, December 11, 2017
Dungeons and Drongos Episode 18: The Rat's Nest Rapscallions Part 1
Fair dinkum, it's a bold new adventure as our party of miscreants take to the high seas on a conservation mission where everything is not quite as it seems! Plus this episode features guest star Ed from as a Fantasy Australian celebrity you won't want to miss!
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You should SUBSCRIBE to us on iTunes - because we do this every week! And here is the RSS FEED.
Please support our new show by rating/reviewing and sharing our content. And why not join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group!? Or even go hog wild by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
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FPcast for December 11 2017 The Man Who Invented Christmas
This week we get into the spirit as we review a handful of Christmas films, beginning with The Man Who Invented Christmas. Plus we talk about a whole lot of other gubbins as we count down the clock to Star Wars.
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And be sure to SUBSCRIBE to us on iTunes because we do this every week! And join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group! And you can now get bonus episodes by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
movie review,
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
Dungeons and Drongos Episode 17: The Sloshed Boys Part 2!
In part 2 of The Sloshed Boys our party have finally figured out that they have been the victims of booze-sucking Drunkulas, and if they don't kill the head Drunkula then manager Wenzo could be a sleazy boozehound forever! But who to kill?! It's Dungeons and Dragons set in Fantasy Australia! Strewth!
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You should SUBSCRIBE to us on iTunes - because we do this every week! And here is the RSS FEED.
Please support our new show by rating/reviewing and sharing our content. And why not join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group!? Or even go hog wild by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
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Dungeons and Drongos,
Monday, December 4, 2017
FPcast for December 4 2017 The Disaster Artist!
This week we review one of our most anticipated film's of 2017, James Franco's take on the making-of The Room - The Disaster Artist. Plus we review Domhnall Gleeson and Margot Robbie in Goodbye Christopher Robin. Plus we weigh in on the Infinity War trailer as well as the cancellation of the Perth and Adelaide Oz Comic Con. Plus I bet there's even more!
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And be sure to SUBSCRIBE to us on iTunes because we do this every week! And join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group! And you can now get bonus episodes by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Dungeons and Drongos Episode 16: The Sloshed Boys, Part 1
This week a brand new adventure as a recreational trip to a B and S Ball ends results in our party uncovering a sinister agenda! It's Dungeons and Dragons set in Fantasy Australia, cobber!
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You should SUBSCRIBE to us on iTunes - because we do this every week! And here is the RSS FEED.
Please support our new show by rating/reviewing and sharing our content. And why not join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group!? Or even go hog wild by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
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Dungeons and Drongos,
Monday, November 27, 2017
FPcast for November 27 2017 Coco
This week we review Disney/Pixar's newest animated outing Coco - a charming film about how you will spend all eternity as a filthy skeleton! Plus we review Robert Pattison making bad decisions in the really good Good Time, and Judi Dench in Victoria and Abdul. Plus trailers, news, and oh my goodness it's been a while but we talk about video games! Stick this in your ears while you still have them!
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And be sure to SUBSCRIBE to us on iTunes because we do this every week! And join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group! And you can now get bonus episodes by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
movie review,
Thursday, November 23, 2017
Half Hour History Episode 14: The Cornish Pixie!
In the final Half Hour History for 2017 we learn the incredibly wonderful and bizarre story of the mysterious "Cornish Pixie" who ended up in... Perth!? This one is full of twists and turns and is going to punch you right in the curiosity button. And, image wise - this is the closest to Abbie Cornish with a pixie cut that I could get. ENJOY!
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Subscribe to us on iTunes as we do this every fortnight! Meanwhile, join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group! And you can now get bonus episodes by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
Half Hour History,
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Dungeons and Drongos Episode 15: Baby Piggy Brayden Part 2!
The Baby Piggy Brayden adventure concludes as the porcine celebrity's troubled tour continued. As the threats continue can our heroes keep Brayden alive? And whose side will they choose in the ultimate battle? It's Dungeons and Dragons set in Fantasy Australia, cobbers!
Download here! (click to stream, right-click to save)
You should SUBSCRIBE to us on iTunes - because we do this every week! And here is the RSS FEED.
Please support our new show by rating/reviewing and sharing our content. And why not join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group!? Or even go hog wild by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
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Dungeons and Drongos,
Monday, November 20, 2017
FPcast for November 20 2017: Justice League!
This week we review the coming together of many costumes in Zack Snyder's - or is it Joss Whedon's? - Justice League! Plus some other gubbins like trailer talk and news. You know the drill. Unite the league of our voices inside your ears!
Download here! (click to stream, right-click to save)
And be sure to SUBSCRIBE to us on iTunes because we do this every week! And join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group! And you can now get bonus episodes by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
justice league,
movie review,
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Dungeons and Drongos Episode 14 Baby Piggy Brayden Part 1
In this week's brand new adventure our team of bonza mates are tasked with escorting and unusual and scandal-prone celebrity who is receiving death threats! Meet the little pig with the big mouth! It's Dungeons and Dragons but it's in Fantasy Australia. Strewth!
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You should SUBSCRIBE to us on iTunes - because we do this every week! And here is the RSS FEED.
Please support our new show by rating/reviewing and sharing our content. And why not join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group!? Or even go hog wild by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
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Dungeons and Drongos,
Monday, November 13, 2017
FPcast for November 13 2017: Murder on the Orient Express
This we review Kenneth Brannagh's stabby train movie Murder on the Orient Express! Plus Luke watches Harry Dean Stanton's final performance in Lucky and Jacinta catches up on last year's Jackie Chan train movie Railway Tigers. Plus we look at all that Star Wars news, critique the female Doctor's costume, and watch some truly horrible bottom-bouncing trailers. Put our voice train in your ear tunnels!
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And be sure to SUBSCRIBE to us on iTunes because we do this every week! And join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group! And you can now get bonus episodes by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
movie review,
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Dungeons and Drongos Episode 13: Spookaroo Special, The Haunted Bakery Part 2
This week we finish up our scary Spookaroo Special as our party attempts to solve the puzzles and mysteries of the crooked Solomon Brumby's Haunted Bakery and free the spirit of Sausage Face Shirley! Will they succeed or be dead by dawn - and wrapped in pastry! It's Dungeons and Dragons but in Fantasy Australia!
Download here! (click to stream, or right-click to save)
You should SUBSCRIBE to us on iTunes - because we do this every week! And here is the RSS FEED.
Please support our new show by rating/reviewing and sharing our content. And why not join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group!? Or even go hog wild by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
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Dungeons and Drongos,
Monday, November 6, 2017
FPcast for November 6 2017 The Killing of a Sacred Deer
This week we dive into four indie films, with reviews of the super dark, genre-breaking The Killing of a Sacred Deer, World War II drama Another Mother's Son, Aubrey Plaza's Ingrid Goes West, plus Domhall Gleeson's ginger gruff in Crash Pad! Plus some news and a spooky story! LISTEN UP, CHUM!
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And be sure to SUBSCRIBE to us on iTunes because we do this every week! And join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group! And you can now get bonus episodes by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
movie review,
Thursday, November 2, 2017
Half Hour History Episode 13: The Real Ragnarok!
Now that you've seen the candy-coloured, cartoon, comical version of Ragnarok, why not learn about the unbridled horrors (and kink!) of the REAL Ragnarok! That's right, the real historical Ragnarok that actually happened... I mean is actually going to happen... probably! You won't see Tom Hiddleston give birth to an eight-legged horse! It's a LEARNPOCALYPSE!
Download here! (click to stream, right-click to save)
Subscribe to us on iTunes as we do this every fortnight! Meanwhile, join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group! And you can now get bonus episodes by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
Half Hour History,
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Dungeons and Drongos Episode 12: Spookaroo Special, The Haunted Bakery Part 1
WooOOOoo! It's Spookaroo in Fantasy Australia and our heroes are about to embark on their spoopiest adventure yet! Can they survive the horror's in Gunnacarkit's Haunted Bakery and lift the curse? Or will they mess up again and embarrass us all? Either way, it's one of our greatest stories yet! It's Dungeons and Dragons meets Australia meets Halloween meets assorted meats... in a pie! Did I mention WooOOOOooooO!?
Download here! (click to stream, right-click to save)
You should SUBSCRIBE to us on iTunes - because we do this every week! And here is the RSS FEED.
Please support our new show by rating/reviewing and sharing our content. And why not join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group!? Or even go hog wild by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
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Dungeons and Drongos,
Monday, October 30, 2017
FPcast for October 30 2017: Thor Ragnarok!
This week we finally get to review the much anticipated Thor Ragnarok! And if that wasn't enough, we have Stranger Things 2, the Australian Bachelorette finale, and a whole heap of speculative superhero movie news. Its a big one, so HAMMER it down hahahahagetitbecauseThorhasahammer.... hadahammer... thatwasprobablyinsensitivecoughcough.
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And be sure to SUBSCRIBE to us on iTunes because we do this every week! And join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group! And you can now get bonus episodes by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
movie review,
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Dungeons and Drongos Episode 11: Beyond Barneydome Part 2
This week's thrilling conclusion to Beyond Barneydome sees our party of heroes and guest were-dingledonger Channing Taters using their combined resources to solve the ongoing mystery of the missing Nippenbiddy babies - and clear Channing's name! But will they actually manage to solve this thing or make the problem worse!
Download here! (click to stream, right-click to save)
You should SUBSCRIBE to us on iTunes - because we do this every week! And here is the RSS FEED.
Please support our new show by rating/reviewing and sharing our content. And why not join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group!? Or even go hog wild by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
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Dungeons and Drongos,
Monday, October 23, 2017
FPcast for October 23 2017: Geostorm
This week we plunge deep into the wonderful garbage nonsense burger that is Geostorm! Plus we talk about Taika Waititi, voice-cast Pikachu, bang on about the Bachelorette and more!
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And be sure to SUBSCRIBE to us on iTunes because we do this every week! And join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group! And you can now get bonus episodes by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
movie review,
Thursday, October 19, 2017
Half Hour History Episode 12: Fremantle Lunatic Asylum
This week we delve into the dark history of one of the most haunted places in the southern hemisphere - the former Fremantle Lunatic Asylum! And what's more we ACTUALLY WENT THERE! Find out about its creepy past and famous spooks! Spoopy spoops! But I ain't afraid of no ghost!
Download here! (click to stream, right-click to save)
Subscribe to us on iTunes as we do this every fortnight! Meanwhile, join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group! And you can now get bonus episodes by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
Half Hour History,
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Dungeons and Drongos Episode 10: Beyond Barneydome Part 1

Crikey - not only is it a new live Dungeons and Dragons story set in Fantasy Australia, but special guest Jacinta joins the party as a mysterious new adventurer! In the town of Nippenbiddy, home of the legendary Barneydome fighting arena, all their beautiful babies are going missing. Is someone nipping on these little nippers? STICK IT IN YOUR LUGHOLES!
Download here! (click to stream, right-click to save)
You should SUBSCRIBE to us on iTunes - because we do this every week! And here is the RSS FEED.
Please support our new show by rating/reviewing and sharing our content. And why not join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group!? Or even go hog wild by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
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Dungeons and Drongos,
Monday, October 16, 2017
FPcast for October 16 2017: Brigsby Bear!
Yo yo! This week we review Kyle Mooney and Mark Hamill in the bizarrely beautiful Brigsby Bear. Plus we talk about The Last Jedi trailer, the New Mutants Trailer and talk way too much about Sophie Monk's love life and the cultural impact of The Bachelorette!
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And be sure to SUBSCRIBE to us on iTunes because we do this every week! And join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group! And you can now get bonus episodes by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Dungeons and Drongos Episode 9: The Crackatinny Caper Part 2!
This week the Crackatinny Caper concludes as our heroes find themselves trapped in a gnome brewery surrounded by vicious hybrid hobo/emus. Can they survive the onslaught? And if so will they discover the truth behind this sinister new plot?
Download here! (click to stream, right-click to save)
You should SUBSCRIBE to us on iTunes - because we do this every week! And here is the RSS FEED.
Please support our new show by rating/reviewing and sharing our content. And why not join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group!? Or even go hog wild by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
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Dungeons and Drongos,
Monday, October 9, 2017
FPcast for October 9 2017: Blade Runner 2049!
This week we dig deep into long awaited Blade Runner sequel: Blade Runner 2049, including a spoiler-free review and a bonus spoiler-filled dive into the film at the end! Plus we talk about Pacific Rim and I don't know, probably some other stuff. BLADE RUNNER THO, Y'ALL!
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And be sure to SUBSCRIBE to us on iTunes because we do this every week! And join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group! And you can now get bonus episodes by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
Thursday, October 5, 2017
Half Hour History Episode 10: Nelson
This week we learn all about Nelson and all the crazy tomshippery and cannon-booming and naval-gazing that comes along with him. How did he earn his mighty column? Let's LEARN!
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Subscribe to us on iTunes as we do this every fortnight! Meanwhile, join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group! And you can now get bonus episodes by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
Half Hour History,
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Dungeons and Drongos Episode 8: The Crackatinny Caper Part 1
This week we kick off a whole new adventure as our trio of bonza mates are drawn to a secret meeting with a face from the past! Will they accept a mission that sees them assisting the country's favourite cast offs? And who or what is tearing up the bodies that are littering the bush? It's live Dungeons and Dragons set in the upside down world of Fantasy Australia!
Download here! (click to stream, right-click to save)
You should SUBSCRIBE to us on iTunes - because we do this every week! And here is the RSS FEED.
Please support our new show by rating/reviewing and sharing our content. And why not join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group!? Or even go hog wild by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
Dungeons and Dragons,
Dungeons and Drongos,
Monday, October 2, 2017
FPcast for October 2 2017: Inhumans!
It's a big old mixed bag this week as we review Marvel's cheapo Inhumans, Aubrey Plaza's sexy nun movie The Little Hours, Casey Affleck under covers in A Ghost Story, and Colin Trevorrow's suidice note: Book of Henry. Plus we talk news, trailers, TV and more! Dip your nose in our pop culture feedbag and eat it all up!
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And be sure to SUBSCRIBE to us on iTunes because we do this every week! And join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group! And you can now get bonus episodes by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Dungeons and Drongos Episode 7: The Bogan Bash, Part 2!
In this week's epic conclusion to The Bogan Bash, McKenzie, Gadai and Plank find themselves trapped inside the drunken city of Hogan's Knife as two uninvited guests rain deadly dropbears onto the bogan wedding of celebrity couple Nathan "Nuggo" Worthington and Kayleigh Lotto. Can our heroes make a difference? Can they even survive?
Download here! (click to stream, right-click to save)
You should SUBSCRIBE to us on iTunes - because we do this every week! And here is the RSS FEED.
Please support our new show by rating/reviewing and sharing our content. And why not join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group!? Or even go hog wild by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
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Dungeons and Drongos,
role playing,
Monday, September 25, 2017
FPcast for September 25 2017: Ninjago and Kingsmen The Golden Circle
This week we review both the Lego Ninjago movie and much anticipated sequel Kingsmen: The Golden Circle. Plus we look at a bunch of trailers and talk about our ironic love for the (deliberately?) terrible Fuller House!
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And be sure to SUBSCRIBE to us on iTunes because we do this every week! And join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group! And you can now get bonus episodes by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Half Hour History Episode 9: Moondyne Joe!
This week we learn all about notorious West Australian bushranger/escape artist extraordinaire Moondyne Joe who, quite frankly, was probably just having a bit of a laugh, because the olden times were super boring. He had a shock of ginger hair and an attitude to match! It's LEARNING TIME!
Download here! (click to stream, right-click to save)
Subscribe to us on iTunes as we do this every fortnight! Meanwhile, join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group! And you can now get bonus episodes by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
Half Hour History,
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Dungeons and Drongos Episode 6: The Bogan Bash Part 1!
Strewth! This week kicks off a brand new adventure as McKenzie, Plank and Gadai find themselves stranded in the dreaded and dangerous Bogan Wilds - completely unaware that they are about to unwittingly become part of the cultural event of the season!
Download here! (click to stream, right-click to save)
You should SUBSCRIBE to us on iTunes - because we do this every week! And here is the RSS FEED.
Please support our new show by rating/reviewing and sharing our content. And why not join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group!? Or even go hog wild by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
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Dungeons and Drongos,
role playing,
Monday, September 18, 2017
FPcast for September 18 2017 Mother!
This week we review the multi-layered and mysterious Mother! Plus we talk news, trailers - look you know the drill. Does anybody even read this part? Sasquatch! Boogada boogada!
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And be sure to SUBSCRIBE to us on iTunes because we do this every week! And join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group! And you can now get bonus episodes by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Dungeons and Drongos Episode 5: The Mystery of the Bewdy Hill Beauties Part 2!
In the second and final part of The Mystery of the Bewdy Hill Beauties, our intrepid team of adventurers find themselves split up and stranded in the surprisingly erotic dimensional dungeon known as The Clungeon. Can they make it to the centre and save not just Bewdy Hill - but each other!? It's Dungeon and Dragons adventure set in the you-beaut, true-blue realm of Fantasy Australia!
Download here! (click to stream, right-click to save)
You should SUBSCRIBE to us on iTunes - because we do this every week! And here is the RSS FEED.
Please support our new show by rating/reviewing and sharing our content. And why not join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group!? Or even go hog wild by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
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Dungeons and Drongos,
Monday, September 11, 2017
FPcast for September 11 2017: IT!
This week we get all up in those clown sewers when we review the new adaptation of Stephen King's IT! Plus we talk about a bunch of things like director Colin Trevorrow getting the arse from Episode IX. Yes, we got you covered from IT to IX. SEEWHATIDIDTHERE??
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And be sure to SUBSCRIBE to us on iTunes because we do this every week! And join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group! And you can now get bonus episodes by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
Dungeons and Drongos Episode 4: The Mystery of the Bewdy Hill Beauties Part 1!
This week kicks off the first half of a brand new Dungeons and Dragons adventure set in Fantasy Australia! New manager Wenzo takes our bonza heroes McKenzie, Plank and Gadai to the troubled town of Bewdy Hill where a brand new mystery is brewing! Are they up to the task? There's only one way to find out!
Download here! (click to stream, right-click to save)
You should SUBSCRIBE to us on iTunes - because we do this every week! And here is the RSS FEED.
Please support our new show by rating/reviewing and sharing our content. And why not join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group!? Or even go hog wild by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
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Dungeons and Drongos,
Monday, September 4, 2017
FPcast for September 4 2017: Wind River!
This week review FOUR films: Hawkeye and Scarlet Witch's Wind River, Captain America's Gifted, Nick Fury and Deadpool's The Hitman's Bodyguard, and the crappy American Death Note (starring the Green Goblin). Plus we talk about Force Friday, Bumblebee, and the season finale of Game of Thrones. Stick it in yo' face!
Download here! (click to stream, right-click to save)
And be sure to SUBSCRIBE to us on iTunes because we do this every week! And join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group! And you can now get bonus episodes by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
A Game of Thrones,
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Half Hour History Episode 8: Dokkaebi!
This week we learn all about the Korean goblin spirit thing the Dokkaebi and where it comes from, what it does, and how it relates to a crazy story about dongers that caps off the podcast. We're nothing if not reliable. Stop your yearning and start your learning!
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Subscribe to us on iTunes as we do this every fortnight! Meanwhile, join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group! And you can now get bonus episodes by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
Half Hour History,
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Dungeons and Drongos Episode 3: The Pie Mine Mystery Part 3!
By crikey it's the final part of our first adventure as our intrepid teams of stupid baby heroes delve deep into the cursed Pie Mine and solve this mystery once and for all! Who's behind it all? You'll have to listen to find out! It's Dungeons and Dragons Down Under as we play D and D in Fantasy Australia, mate!
Download here! (click to stream, right-click to save)
ou should SUBSCRIBE to us on iTunes - because we do this every week! And here is the RSS FEED.
Please support our new show by rating/reviewing and sharing our content. And why not join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group!? Or even go hog wild by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
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Dungeons and Drongos,
Monday, August 28, 2017
FPcast for August 28 2017: Catch Up II Electric Boogaloo!
This week we catch up on a whole bunch of smaller movies such as The Lost City of Z, Lemon, Lady Macbeth, and The Transfiguration. Plus we talk about Norwegian TV comedy Norsemen, Wortho's new show Man Hunt Unabomber, and of course the penultimate episode of Game of Thrones. Plus news about duelling Jokers and Taylor Swift? You'd be a stupid idiot to give this a miss!
Download here! (Click to stream, right-click to save)
And be sure to SUBSCRIBE to us on iTunes because we do this every week! And join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group! And you can now get bonus episodes by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
A Game of Thrones,
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Dungeons and Drongos Episode 2: The Pie Mine Mystery Part 2!
It's the second part of our Dungeons and Dragons meets Fantasy Australia adventure, as our party of bonza mates have a less than opportune arrival at the Chunky Bloke Pie Mine and things go from bad to worse as the mystery deepens! Meet new characters, new creatures, and a whole lot of embarrassing failing. FAIR DINKUM, IT'S A YOU BEAUT JATZ CRACKER!
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You should SUBSCRIBE to us on iTunes - because we do this every week! And here is the RSS FEED.
Please support our new show by rating/reviewing and sharing our content. And why not join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group!? Or even go hog wild by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
Dungeons and Dragons,
Dungeons and Drongos,
Monday, August 21, 2017
FPcast for August 21 2017: Logan Lucky!
Holy crap it's our 200th episode! And we celebrate it by reviewing hillbilly crime caper Logan Lucky, plus we talk Obi Wan, Game of Thrones and who knows what else?! It's a podcast celebration but without the cake, or decorations, or sense of occasion, or content! LAP IT UP!
Download here! (click to stream, right-click to save)
And be sure to SUBSCRIBE to us on iTunes because we do this every week! And join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group! And you can now get bonus episodes by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Half Hour History Episode 7: Queen Mary of Teck!
This week we learn all about the stony-faced royal Queen Mary of Teck and how she tamed her horrible family! Plus we learn all about where the Prince Albert came from! Probably! Teck a chance and get ready to LEARN!
Download here! (click to stream, right-click to save)
Subscribe to us on iTunes as we do this every fortnight! Meanwhile, join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group! And you can now get bonus episodes by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
Half Hour History,
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Dungeons and Drongos Episode 1: The Pie Mystery Part 1!
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You should SUBSCRIBE to us on iTunes - because we do this every week! And here is the RSS FEED.
Please support our new show by rating/reviewing and sharing our content. And why not join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group!? Or even go hog wild by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
Dungeons and Dragons,
Dungeons and Drongos,
Monday, August 14, 2017
FPcast for August 14 2017: Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets
This week we cut through Luc Besson's Valerian and the City of A Thousand Planets, make plans for our future #porglife, and explain why our 200th episode isn't everything that it seems...
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And be sure to SUBSCRIBE to us on iTunes because we do this every week! And join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group! And you can now get bonus episodes by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!
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