Okay, well in this case you’re pretty much guaranteed that you’re going to get an Avengers movie Heroclix but you don’t know which character. What is a Heroclix, you the casual reader enquire? It’s a miniature figure with rotating stats on its circular base designed for use in a tabletop strategy battle game that you’re probably never going to play. But regardless, miniature Avengers figures are fun enough by themselves, and who am I to resist more merchandise? Doesn’t this look fun? (Relatively speaking):
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Review: Blind-Packaged The Avengers Heroclix!
I love the dizzying rollercoaster of emotions that is blind-packaging. I also love hyperbole. I love both these things A LOT. When you purchase something blind you get that gambler’s rush. Inside the package it could be Christmas, or alternatively it could be instant buyer’s remorse. A gold piece! A live scorpion! You never know what you’re going to get. So that's why I feel like Forrest Gump!
Okay, well in this case you’re pretty much guaranteed that you’re going to get an Avengers movie Heroclix but you don’t know which character. What is a Heroclix, you the casual reader enquire? It’s a miniature figure with rotating stats on its circular base designed for use in a tabletop strategy battle game that you’re probably never going to play. But regardless, miniature Avengers figures are fun enough by themselves, and who am I to resist more merchandise? Doesn’t this look fun? (Relatively speaking):
Okay, well in this case you’re pretty much guaranteed that you’re going to get an Avengers movie Heroclix but you don’t know which character. What is a Heroclix, you the casual reader enquire? It’s a miniature figure with rotating stats on its circular base designed for use in a tabletop strategy battle game that you’re probably never going to play. But regardless, miniature Avengers figures are fun enough by themselves, and who am I to resist more merchandise? Doesn’t this look fun? (Relatively speaking):
Black Widow,
Captain America,
Iron Man,
The Avengers
Tabletop: Episode 7 - Gloom
In this week's episode of Tabletop, Wil Wheaton joins actress Amber Benson (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), Michele Boyd (Team Unicorn), and Meghan Camarena (Strawburry17), in a very depressing game of Gloom. Not to be confused with the awesome drooling Pokemon character of the same name.
Why is it so depressing? Because it's the nature of the game. Players will try to make their team of characters as miserable as possible (by giving them negative points) before killing them off. At the same time, players will try to make each others characters happier (by giving them positive points). And the best part of all is the cards. Similar to, but pre-dating Redakai... the game includes clear cards that overlay each other enabling positive and negative points to cancel each other out in a really unique way.
I've heard that Tabletop is making a pretty big impact on board game sales, in a very positive way. I can say that I personally went out and bought Castle Panic after watching the last episode and tonight I am playing Gloom for the very first time. It's definitely making an impact on my wallet.
Here's the episode!
Click through the jump for a glimpse at next week's game.
Why is it so depressing? Because it's the nature of the game. Players will try to make their team of characters as miserable as possible (by giving them negative points) before killing them off. At the same time, players will try to make each others characters happier (by giving them positive points). And the best part of all is the cards. Similar to, but pre-dating Redakai... the game includes clear cards that overlay each other enabling positive and negative points to cancel each other out in a really unique way.
I've heard that Tabletop is making a pretty big impact on board game sales, in a very positive way. I can say that I personally went out and bought Castle Panic after watching the last episode and tonight I am playing Gloom for the very first time. It's definitely making an impact on my wallet.
Here's the episode!
Click through the jump for a glimpse at next week's game.
board game,
J. Tagmire,
SpyGal - Marvel puts on Lipstick and cries into it's Appletini
Oh golly. Oh wow.
Yep - it's an official Marvel publication. Commissioned by Benefit to promote their brand of chintzy, nudge nudge wink wink cosmetics and skincare ("The Porefessional", "Primpcess", "Finding Mister Bright" etc.). It came packaged in a (non-Benefit) purchase from an Australian retailer called Bellabox. Sadly, ahem, it does not appear to be sold separately.
More horror after the break!
Yep - it's an official Marvel publication. Commissioned by Benefit to promote their brand of chintzy, nudge nudge wink wink cosmetics and skincare ("The Porefessional", "Primpcess", "Finding Mister Bright" etc.). It came packaged in a (non-Benefit) purchase from an Australian retailer called Bellabox. Sadly, ahem, it does not appear to be sold separately.
More horror after the break!
Inside HBO's Game of Thrones
If you're missing Westeros as much as we are, then you'll be pleased to hear about the forthcoming release from Chronicle Books, 'Inside HBO's Game of Thrones'.
"HBO's Game of Thrones draws millions of obsessed viewers each episode. This official companion book offers an exclusive look at how the show's creators translated George R.R. Martin's best-selling fantasy series into a fantastic yet plausible world that has captivated views worldwide. Inside HBO's Game of Throne showcases hundreds of unpublished set photos, production and costume designs, storyboard and props and show writer Bryan Cogman has interviewed all the key actors and crew members to capture the best scripted and unscripted moments from the first two seasons. Fans of the books will get to dive even deeper into the world of Westeros through detailed maps, family trees, a dissection of the Dothraki language and histories of the world's essential realms, from Winterfell to The Iron Islands. With a foreword by George R.R. Martin, Inside HBO's Game of Thrones is an exclusive window into this unprecedented television series."
We're going to be hit with 192 pages, over 300 colour images and photographs, 8-page full-colour gatefold, and a debossed padded case with foil stamping. In short, it's going to be even more pimp than Tyrion Lannister. The catch, sadly, is that the book won't be out til October, but considering we'll be waiting a whole 'nother year for season 3 (*sobs*), that's a fairly tolerable period.
You can preorder your very own copy over at Book Depository.
"HBO's Game of Thrones draws millions of obsessed viewers each episode. This official companion book offers an exclusive look at how the show's creators translated George R.R. Martin's best-selling fantasy series into a fantastic yet plausible world that has captivated views worldwide. Inside HBO's Game of Throne showcases hundreds of unpublished set photos, production and costume designs, storyboard and props and show writer Bryan Cogman has interviewed all the key actors and crew members to capture the best scripted and unscripted moments from the first two seasons. Fans of the books will get to dive even deeper into the world of Westeros through detailed maps, family trees, a dissection of the Dothraki language and histories of the world's essential realms, from Winterfell to The Iron Islands. With a foreword by George R.R. Martin, Inside HBO's Game of Thrones is an exclusive window into this unprecedented television series."
![]() |
from ChronicleBooks.com |
You can preorder your very own copy over at Book Depository.
A Game of Thrones,
El Professore Movie Review: The War of the Gargantuas
So there I was a few months back, watching The Oscars (I have no idea WHY I was watching The Oscars, except maybe due to some masochistic tendency) when they came to a segment about the first movie that stars remember seeing (or the film that first made them want to make movies, can't remember which). As I watched in a semi interested state, Brad Pitt eventually appeared and said something to the effect of, "There was this film called... Gargantuas, I think. The Brown Gargantua sacrificed himself to destroy the Green Gargantua...". It took a few seconds for me to process what I was seeing and hearing; Brad Pitt casually mentioning a favorite Japanese monster movie at The Oscars. Once the reality of this positively surreal moment caught up with me, I was floored. It was practically an out of body experience that compelled me to go online just to make sure I hadn't imagined it.
Full review after the jump.
El Professore Movie,
review (movies)
Current Comics Rewrite: Let's Rewrite Before Watchmen Nite Owl #1!
Let's try this again! Not too long ago I did a satirical rewrite of a preview page of Darwyn Cooke's Minutemen #1 and it was shown on comics juggernaut Bleeding Cool. It drew the ire of many a comic fan in the Bleeding Cool forums who were quick to point out that it was the unfunniest thing ever in the history of everything. Naturally it was a huge shock to the system to discover that I'm not actually funny at all, but rather than be discouraged I've decided to get back on the laffo horse and try again.
But this time I have an ace up my sleeve because I've decided to use some of the actual hilarious comments from my detractors in my rewritten pages. I will learn comedy by carefully re-using their own clever quips! That's foolproof, right? This will be 100% funny because I am using their own funny words. That's just comedy science.
These are two preview pages from Nite Owl #1. The art is by Joe and Andy Kubert and I have rudely rewritten J. Michael Straczynski's text, without permission, for the purposes of parody and (foolproof) comedy. You can purchase the real Nite Owl #1 at Comixology for $3.99. Click to embiggen:
But this time I have an ace up my sleeve because I've decided to use some of the actual hilarious comments from my detractors in my rewritten pages. I will learn comedy by carefully re-using their own clever quips! That's foolproof, right? This will be 100% funny because I am using their own funny words. That's just comedy science.
These are two preview pages from Nite Owl #1. The art is by Joe and Andy Kubert and I have rudely rewritten J. Michael Straczynski's text, without permission, for the purposes of parody and (foolproof) comedy. You can purchase the real Nite Owl #1 at Comixology for $3.99. Click to embiggen:
Before Watchmen,
Friday, June 29, 2012
Pre-Order Bossk 1/6th Scale Figure!
Who's the Bossk?! Haha. Love that Tony Danza.
Look, normally I save these kind of updates for a weekly round-up of sorts, but I am such an unabashed Bossk fan that I will explode if I do not tell you about this straight away and with unbridled enthusiasm. I am going to shout about Bossk from the rooftops! Why?
Because Bossk is the kickass space lizard who was bounty hunter bros with Boba Fett! He wore a lemon jumpsuit and still looked totally pimp and he's been busting heads in the Clone Wars and earning our respect! I didn't even know this guy was being released, but here he is in all his 1/6th scale glory!
Look, normally I save these kind of updates for a weekly round-up of sorts, but I am such an unabashed Bossk fan that I will explode if I do not tell you about this straight away and with unbridled enthusiasm. I am going to shout about Bossk from the rooftops! Why?
Because Bossk is the kickass space lizard who was bounty hunter bros with Boba Fett! He wore a lemon jumpsuit and still looked totally pimp and he's been busting heads in the Clone Wars and earning our respect! I didn't even know this guy was being released, but here he is in all his 1/6th scale glory!
He has two heads. He has his more reserved grin that we see on the bridge in Empire Strikes Back, and he has his action-packed, "Everybody Roar Like A Dinoaur!" head pictured above. I think this guy is a must-have for Star Wars collectors (and the rest of the Bounty Hunter line is pretty great also). You can pre-order him right now from Sideshow for $159.99.
More images after the jump!
1/6th Scale,
bounty hunters,
Star Wars,
Follow(?) Friday: 50 Sheds of Grey
Every once in a while, a book takes the nation by storm and it becomes a cultural icon. Every once in a while, however, it takes its form in a rewritten Twilight fanfiction involving various forms of sexual escapades.
Instead of being horrified, however, we can celebrate with the great parody Twitter, 50 Sheds of Grey. Describing itself as "[e]rotica for the not-too-modern male," the Twitter feed is part salacious shed porn and part biting commentary on our most carnal desires.
Of course, if this is not your thing, we can all agree that the safeword will be "unfollow," but I trust you'll be willing to expand your horizons and your storage space.
follow friday,
Jeff Raymond,
Review: Kidrobot's Dunny 2012!
Kidrobot’s annual Dunny release (blind-boxed vinyl rabbits creatively embellished by the world’s leading designers) is always a much-anticipated highlight for me, especially since I began buying them by the case. This usually guarantees an additional rare “case incentive” figure as a bonus and, in the past, a case of 20 has given me most (if not all) of the more commons plus, if I’m lucky a couple of rares, or maybe even a chase.
That probably meant nothing to at least half of you. Layman’s version: we are about to look at some crazy toy rabbits.
Dunny 2012 has officially been released and I have a case right here!
Dunny 2012 has officially been released and I have a case right here!
designer toys,
Thank GIF it's Friday
Thank Gif It's Friday
Hot Toys The Amazing Spider-Man Available for Pre-Order! Plus More!
It's always exciting when the master artisans at Hot Toys descend from the heavens to reveal their newest product, and this time it's a 1/6th scale Spider-Man collectible figure capturing his golden-eyed appearance in next week's movie reboot The Amazing Spider-Man:
The incredible detail you'd expect is present as always, and it looks like he's quite flexible despite the figure-hugging costume. I certainly prefer it aesthetically to the Tobey Macguire version.
Our good friends at Sideshow Collectibles have him available for pre-order right now. Reserve yours here. He'll be $204.99 once available.
Join me after the jump for some more pics, plus a couple of other high-end items freshly revealed by Sideshow!
Hot Toys,
Star Wars,
The Avengers,
Thursday, June 28, 2012
The Man with the Iron Fists
The RZA from the Wu-Tang Clan has just released a Red Band teaser for his first feature film
Pretty dam explosive and cool I think. You can see a hell of a lot of classic Shaw Brothers love in this. There's also quite a lot of visual flair to the cinematography and design which honestly when I first heard about this wasn't expecting.
The soundtrack is definitely going to be amazing and I think will contrast well with the action and tone of the film. The RZA did an awesome job doing the music on the anime series Afro Samurai
Oh and this still
haha that's like 80s anime
Pretty dam explosive and cool I think. You can see a hell of a lot of classic Shaw Brothers love in this. There's also quite a lot of visual flair to the cinematography and design which honestly when I first heard about this wasn't expecting.
The soundtrack is definitely going to be amazing and I think will contrast well with the action and tone of the film. The RZA did an awesome job doing the music on the anime series Afro Samurai
Oh and this still
haha that's like 80s anime
How We Met Christopher Lloyd at Supanova and Awesome Things Happened!
It should be little surprise that the biggest draw at this past weekend’s Supanova was pop culture icon Christopher Lloyd. Fans of Back to the Future, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, The Addams Family, Taxi, Star Trek III, and Piranha 3DD, formed massive lines for their chance to spend a few memorable moments with a legend. Jacinta and I were a little more lazy, choosing instead to avoid the crowds, but on late Sunday afternoon the line finally parted and a perfect opportunity presented itself! There was Christopher. There was us. It was meant to be.
But how to make the best of this opportunity?
But how to make the best of this opportunity?
Back to the Future,
Christopher Lloyd,
Review: Lego Batman 2 Exclusive Lex Luthor Minifig!
It may be a little while before time allows a full review of the freshly released Lego Batman 2 but I do have the exclusive Lex Luthor minifig in hand. He’s a bald, badass with a boner for busting the balls of Batman and a smooth-talking socialite with a surefire scheme for shooting the shit out of Superman. Is he worth procuring for your collection?
Sponsor News: Let's Discuss Scarlett Witch, Transforming Avengers, One Direction and More!
It’s that time of the week where I get to cast my seasoned Collectologist eye over the very best new toys and collectible pre-orders and releases from our good friends at Big Bad Toy Store! Much like air, and shelter, these are the things that you need to have! Like these!
It’s the newest wave of The Avengers 3.75 inch figures (wave 4) available in either cases or sets. The new figures here are Samuel L. Jackson toting a colossal weapon as the depth perception-less Nick Fury, a super-articulated Iron Man Mark VII (because triangles are ass) and a mystery un-named Movie Villain?
It’s the newest wave of The Avengers 3.75 inch figures (wave 4) available in either cases or sets. The new figures here are Samuel L. Jackson toting a colossal weapon as the depth perception-less Nick Fury, a super-articulated Iron Man Mark VII (because triangles are ass) and a mystery un-named Movie Villain?
Thanos? Seems doubtful to me that they’d blow their load by revealing his full costume for the first time as a figure. My guess is Thanos’ fetishist henchman “The Other”, but maybe it will be something totally left field like Evil Tony Stark who is completely clean-shaven. You can pre-order them by the case or purchase a set of the three brand new figures right here!
Join me after the break for a lot more stuff!
Big Bad Toy Store,
The Avengers,
Book Review: Fooling Houdini
I am a big fan of magic. I know it's all fake, and so much of it is psychological, but I love the process just as much as the execution. When I noticed that Alex Stone, who writes for Discover, was doing a book on magic, I dove right in.
The cool thing about this is that it's part-memoir, as Stone is an amateur magician who's competed in competitions and is very in touch with the national magic scene. Thus, a lot of the book has to do with the inner workings of the various magic groups in the US and some of the standards and practices of magicians in general - it goes much further than the "magician's code."
The other cool thing is the history and psychology of magic that happens throughout the book. The title of the book refers to attempts to fool Harry Houdini, which only happened once. The book then follows a lot of different concepts about magic, the history behind various tricks and illusions, and the like.
The book was a pleasant, informative surprise. I went in thinking I knew a good amount about magic, and this really opened my eyes further. Definitely a great read.
The cool thing about this is that it's part-memoir, as Stone is an amateur magician who's competed in competitions and is very in touch with the national magic scene. Thus, a lot of the book has to do with the inner workings of the various magic groups in the US and some of the standards and practices of magicians in general - it goes much further than the "magician's code."
The other cool thing is the history and psychology of magic that happens throughout the book. The title of the book refers to attempts to fool Harry Houdini, which only happened once. The book then follows a lot of different concepts about magic, the history behind various tricks and illusions, and the like.
The book was a pleasant, informative surprise. I went in thinking I knew a good amount about magic, and this really opened my eyes further. Definitely a great read.
Jeff Raymond,
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
There's Always Money In The Banana Stand - Arrested Development Art Show at Gallery1988!
Continuing in their wonderful pop-culture art exhibits, Gallery1988's newest exhibit is one that hits close to home. Or at least, close to the model home.
If you were one of the few that watched Arrested Development during it's short 3 season run, one of the many who discovered the show was after it was prematurely cancelled, or you know first hand what it's like to have a dysfunctional family... you will love this exhibit.
The full exhibit launches on Friday June 29th, and in true Gallery1988 form, you will be able to purchase the originals online afterwards at http://nineteeneightyeight.com/
For now we have a preview of 8 awesome images from the exhibit. Just click through the jump to see them. Come on!
J. Tagmire,
Kirby Krackle Rock Supanova! And We Were There! Sort of!
My biggest regret of Supanova 2012 is that I didn’t hear the live set by Seattle nerd-rock duo Kirby Krackle that opened the Expo on Friday night. I had certainly heard about their work, but hadn’t heard any of their actual music and in my haste to organise everything else for Saturday I missed my chance. Big, big mistake.
It wasn’t until early Sunday morning that I fired up youtube while getting ready to leave the house and started to familiarise myself with a couple of their songs. I was instantly intrigued and made a point on Sunday to say hello to Kirby Krackle’s Kyle and Jim and grab signed copies of all three of their CDS.
Since then, I’ve listened to these non-stop while writing up my Supanova coverage and have become a real fan. (And we did manage to catch part of their acoustic set and take a few pictures on Sunday afternoon). To find out why my ears now want to have their babies, and to hear my favourite song, AND see aforementioned pictures... join me after the jump!
It wasn’t until early Sunday morning that I fired up youtube while getting ready to leave the house and started to familiarise myself with a couple of their songs. I was instantly intrigued and made a point on Sunday to say hello to Kirby Krackle’s Kyle and Jim and grab signed copies of all three of their CDS.
Jack Kirby,
Kirby Krackle,
Review: Adventure Time 5" Action Figures (Plus Bonus Cosplay!)
An exhibition hall packed with fans in costume is a pretty solid indication of which properties are currently ruling the pop culture zeitgeist. At this past weekend’s Supanova, Star Wars was on the decline, Minecraft continued to flourish and Doctor Who remained steady, but the real surprise was the sudden surge of costumes inspired by Pendleton Ward’s delightfully chaotic and subversive animated series Adventure Time! Especially abundant were portrayals of not Finn the human, but Fionna his gender-bending equivalent who debuted in the episode Fionna and Cake.
As a fan of the show myself, this seemed like the perfect time to grab hold of the Jazwares five inch Jake the Dog and Finn the Human action figures from our friend Drew at Red Griffin Games.
To find out what I thought, and to see some photos of aforementioned cosplay, it’s time to join me after the jump!
As a fan of the show myself, this seemed like the perfect time to grab hold of the Jazwares five inch Jake the Dog and Finn the Human action figures from our friend Drew at Red Griffin Games.
adventure time,
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
What's Out? 27th of July 2012
Ive Sorocuk,
what's out?
Stryder's Favourite Comics - 6/20/2012
Another big week for DC as they release not only my favourite Before Watchmen book yet, but also a ton of other titles! Did you ever notice that most of the comics I buy on the third week of the month feature female leads? Interesting... Anyhow, let's take a look at what's sure to be another divisive book:
NEW!! Before Watchmen: Comedian #1 (of 6) - It's Summer, 1962 and Eddie Blake is playing touch football on the lawn with Jack, Bobby and Teddy. When he goes in for a drink, Jack's wife Jackie has a little conversation with him. Something about a "Drug-Addled Peroxide Whore" who used to be "involved" with her family and is now "involved" with a known gangster. Said "whore" definitely knows too much and will probably tell what she knows.
It's August 5th, 1962 and no one sees Eddie Blake leave the apartment where the President's ex-mistress is soon to be found. Like the song goes, "All the papers had to say was that Marilyn was found in the nude..."
It's November 22, 1963 and the F.B.I. contacts The Comedian at the last minute to help them to take down Moloch the Mystic, who has allegedly been operating a narcotics ring, although he has never been known to get involved with drugs before. He operates nowhere near Dallas. Eddie bursts into the room where Moloch is hiding to find him weeping openly at the television. "He's been shot," is all Moloch REALLY needs to say. The T.V. plays on as the adversaries watch together...
"...From Dallas, Texas, the flash, apparently official...President Kennedy died at one P.M. Central Standard Time..."
An intriguing start!
But that's not all! To learn what transpired in the REST of the DCU this week, join me after the JUMP!!
NEW!! Before Watchmen: Comedian #1 (of 6) - It's Summer, 1962 and Eddie Blake is playing touch football on the lawn with Jack, Bobby and Teddy. When he goes in for a drink, Jack's wife Jackie has a little conversation with him. Something about a "Drug-Addled Peroxide Whore" who used to be "involved" with her family and is now "involved" with a known gangster. Said "whore" definitely knows too much and will probably tell what she knows.
It's August 5th, 1962 and no one sees Eddie Blake leave the apartment where the President's ex-mistress is soon to be found. Like the song goes, "All the papers had to say was that Marilyn was found in the nude..."
It's November 22, 1963 and the F.B.I. contacts The Comedian at the last minute to help them to take down Moloch the Mystic, who has allegedly been operating a narcotics ring, although he has never been known to get involved with drugs before. He operates nowhere near Dallas. Eddie bursts into the room where Moloch is hiding to find him weeping openly at the television. "He's been shot," is all Moloch REALLY needs to say. The T.V. plays on as the adversaries watch together...
"...From Dallas, Texas, the flash, apparently official...President Kennedy died at one P.M. Central Standard Time..."
An intriguing start!
But that's not all! To learn what transpired in the REST of the DCU this week, join me after the JUMP!!
Before Watchmen,
DC Reboot Review,
Stryder Wolfe,
The Dark Knight Rises and wins at marketing
It goes without saying that we're all pretty excited for Christopher Nolan's trilogy-ending The Dark Knight Rises next month, but after coming off the back of The Avengers, and being released at around the same time as The Amazing Spider-Man, was just the fact it was featuring our favourite throat-punching caped crusader going to be enough to make sure it stood out from the pack? The film's marketing department isn't taking any chances.
Holy. Crap.
The bar has been raised. Anyone got a spare time machine so we can skip past these next few weeks? I have a movie I need to see.
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via Keith Calder |
The bar has been raised. Anyone got a spare time machine so we can skip past these next few weeks? I have a movie I need to see.
Dark Knight Rises,
Supanova Cosplay!
One of the things I enjoy most about Supanova is seeing all the creativity, effort and money people have put into their cosplay costumes. Of course, on the flipside there's also the people who put a cardboard box on their head and come as a Minecraft character, but hey, we all express ourselves in different ways. There are always a plethora of Sailor Moons, Vampire Knights, and Doctors, so this year it was cool to see people thinking outside the box a little. We had several FemSheps from Mass Effect, a bunch of Avengers-inspired costumes, and even an Effie Trinket from The Hunger Games! I was also pretty excited to see two guys dressed as the Black and White spies from Spy vs Spy, but sadly I didn't manage to get a photo as they were busy sneaking around doing TNT-related spy things.
Luke and I had our cameras at the ready all weekend, so jump below the cut to check out some of our favourite shots!
mass effect,
The Avengers,
Falkor Folklore: Neverending Story Shirt at TeeFury!
Just as we just posted out Noah Hathaway interview I happened to see that TeeFury's t-shirt of the day is Neverending Story themed! It's Falkor Folklore by Bamboota, and it's a subtle mashup of Falkore and a Chinese dragon.
The luckdragon is on our side today, and can be on your back tomorrow (well, in a few weeks).

Falkor Folklore is available for today only and for just $10.00! Check it out at http://www.teefury.com
And if anyone can translate the writing at the bottom, I need to know what it says.
And if anyone can translate the writing at the bottom, I need to know what it says.
J. Tagmire,
Nerd History: Don't Look Up, it's the Wow! Signal!

A few weeks ago, we got word from science that all galaxies are going to have stars that have planets, which has a lot of implications for the search for intelligent life. This, along with (again) 172 Hours To the Moon and a new Dandy Warhols song, reminded me yet again of the famous "Wow! Signal."
Jeff Raymond,
Nerd History,
space exploration
Interview: Noah Hathaway! From Neverending Story to Sushi Girl!
If you’re a child of the eighties then you probably best know actor Noah Hathaway for his role as fantasy ass-kicker Atreyu in The Neverending Story, the dark-maned boy hero who wasn’t afraid to shiv a wolf, and punch the void in the face to rescue a Princess. Good. Now forget every single thing that you think you know...
I am thrilled to report that the Noah Hathaway of 2012 is more kick-ass than ever! Covered in tattoos and brimming with power, Noah is a shot of adrenaline! I heard that he was starring in a very-soon-to-be-released gangster movie with Mark Hamill called Sushi Girl, which involves eating sushi off a naked woman. After watching the trailer I was desperate to talk to him about it!
Fortunately, thanks to an enthusiastic Noah and the team at Supanova, I got my chance! Be forewarned that the language is a little salty and extremely manly. Ladies, you might want to find something to fan yourself with while listening to this one.
Click the audio link below the picture to listen to our interview and hear about it all in Noah's own words!
I liked Noah instantly and we ended up chatting for a while after we stopped recording. Thank you so much for sharing this madness with us!
But we’re not going to stop there! Join me after the jump and we’ll watch the trailer for Sushi Girl together!
I am thrilled to report that the Noah Hathaway of 2012 is more kick-ass than ever! Covered in tattoos and brimming with power, Noah is a shot of adrenaline! I heard that he was starring in a very-soon-to-be-released gangster movie with Mark Hamill called Sushi Girl, which involves eating sushi off a naked woman. After watching the trailer I was desperate to talk to him about it!
Fortunately, thanks to an enthusiastic Noah and the team at Supanova, I got my chance! Be forewarned that the language is a little salty and extremely manly. Ladies, you might want to find something to fan yourself with while listening to this one.
Click the audio link below the picture to listen to our interview and hear about it all in Noah's own words!
![]() |
Image: Jacinta Mathews.
I liked Noah instantly and we ended up chatting for a while after we stopped recording. Thank you so much for sharing this madness with us!
But we’re not going to stop there! Join me after the jump and we’ll watch the trailer for Sushi Girl together!
Noah Hathaway,
Sushi Girl,
The Neverending Story,
Tuesday Bounty: Glorious Bounty Sells Out at Supanova!
Grug and I are freshly back from the Supanova Pop Culture Expo debut of the well-received print version of Glorious Bounty Book Three: The Convoluted Killbots! A huge thank you to everyone who visited us and supported our books! We met and caught up with some very cool people. Meanwhile, you slowpokes online are still reading the end of the story page by laborious page! (Just a couple of pages to go!).
When we last left the Bounty crew, Bruce and Deevis had been returned to their reconstructed bodies and everything looked like it was going to be OK. Everything is going to be OK? Right?
Click to embiggen or read it on the official site.
But that’s not all this week! If you’d care to join me after the jump I’ll tell you about our Supanova experience, along with some photos and the announcement of the title for Book Four!
When we last left the Bounty crew, Bruce and Deevis had been returned to their reconstructed bodies and everything looked like it was going to be OK. Everything is going to be OK? Right?
Click to embiggen or read it on the official site.
But that’s not all this week! If you’d care to join me after the jump I’ll tell you about our Supanova experience, along with some photos and the announcement of the title for Book Four!
Glorious Bounty,
The Book Was Better Podcast: Teaser for Episode 21!
In one of our biggest mini-episodes yet Jessica and I answer all your highly pertinent questions, read your hard-hitting mail and announce which dreaded movie novelisation we will be discussing and dissecting next week! Clue: it's a convoluted mess and yet I'm getting TINGLY just thinking about it!
You can download this teaser episode from The Book Was Better official site, or why not just subscribe to us on iTunes and then we will passionately ravage your ears every single week!
Jessica McLeod,
The Book Was Better
Monday, June 25, 2012
Interview: Natalia Tena! Game of Thrones and Molotov Jukebox!
I first saw Natalia Tena in her role as Nymphadora Tonks, the effervescent werewolf-shagging wizard with more hair colour changes than Ramona Flowers. Her appearances in the character-packed Harry Potter films are all too brief, but she manages to exude a focus and an energy that demands your attention. And it’s those same qualities and intensity that lured me to her character Osha in Game of Thrones (or to give it its full, official title: F**k Yeah Game of Thrones!), the fiery and enigmatic wilding woman who has traversed the line from attacker to protector.
But we’re really just scratching the surface. Those are the projects that you already know about, but there is far more to Nat than that. For example, did you already know about Nat’s incredible musical talents with her band Molotov Jukebox? I had the wonderful opportunity to chat to her thanks to the fine folk at this past weekend’s Supanova Pop Culture Expo and found out everything first-hand!
But we’re really just scratching the surface. Those are the projects that you already know about, but there is far more to Nat than that. For example, did you already know about Nat’s incredible musical talents with her band Molotov Jukebox? I had the wonderful opportunity to chat to her thanks to the fine folk at this past weekend’s Supanova Pop Culture Expo and found out everything first-hand!
Click the audio player below the image to listen!
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Image: Jacinta Mathews.
I wish we’d had video running because Nat has an endless supply of energy and her reactions were wildly animated. When we talked she was also wearing a lurid Back to the Future II Marty McFly colour-changing future cap that really helped set the mood. (We later spotted Nat and Alfie “Theon” Allen trying on large furry animal tails at a store. I'm hoping that these will be featured prominently in Series Three. "Did you pay the iron price for that fox tail?"). Thank you so much, Nat, for giving us your time!
But let’s not stop there. Join me after the jump where we have more images and you can listen to Molotov Jukebox for yourself!
I wish we’d had video running because Nat has an endless supply of energy and her reactions were wildly animated. When we talked she was also wearing a lurid Back to the Future II Marty McFly colour-changing future cap that really helped set the mood. (We later spotted Nat and Alfie “Theon” Allen trying on large furry animal tails at a store. I'm hoping that these will be featured prominently in Series Three. "Did you pay the iron price for that fox tail?"). Thank you so much, Nat, for giving us your time!
But let’s not stop there. Join me after the jump where we have more images and you can listen to Molotov Jukebox for yourself!
Review: Mattel Movie Masters Dark Knight Rises Catwoman
I’ve been tenaciously seeking the perfect piece of The Dark Knight Rises merchandise to get the old hype machine purring, and at this weekend’s Supanova Pop Culture Expo I finally found the item I’d been questing for. Thanks to our friend Drew at Red Griffin Games I was able to snare a Mattel Movie Masters Catwoman, based on the likeness of Anne Hathaway in the upcoming film.
Most of what I’d seen up until this point had been the basic line of figures aimed at kids (and they pretty much consist of multiple tricked-out Batmans and the occasional Bane) but this is the much-coveted line for the "adult collector"! A more detailed, larger, articulated figure for the distinguished and discerning manchild! (Or ladybaby).
Most of what I’d seen up until this point had been the basic line of figures aimed at kids (and they pretty much consist of multiple tricked-out Batmans and the occasional Bane) but this is the much-coveted line for the "adult collector"! A more detailed, larger, articulated figure for the distinguished and discerning manchild! (Or ladybaby).
Dark Knight Rises,
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Interview: Voice Actress Jennifer Hale. Femshep and a Whole Lot More.
It's no secret that we adore the Mass Effect trilogy and that is in no small part to the stellar performance of our protagonist-of-choice, the female Commander Shepard, perhaps better known as FemShep. At this weekend's Supanova Pop Culture Expo I was fortunate enough to get an opportunity to have a quick chat with FemShep actress Jennifer Hale.
Even if you don't recognise her face, you have certainly heard her voice. Jennifer is extremely prolific and has lent her talents to a lot of things you love. She's also extremely warm and generous in person, but don't take my word for it, click on the audio player at the bottom of the image below and hear our conversation!
Even if you don't recognise her face, you have certainly heard her voice. Jennifer is extremely prolific and has lent her talents to a lot of things you love. She's also extremely warm and generous in person, but don't take my word for it, click on the audio player at the bottom of the image below and hear our conversation!
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Thank you so much, Jennifer, and thanks to the Supanova team for hooking us up! I can't stress enough how incredible it is to be sitting there and hear that character voice in person. Shepherd has to be both the strongest and yet most personable female lead in video games! Much nicer than that needy Ms. Pacman!
But that's not all! Join me after the jump and we'll share more Jennifer Hale/Mass Effect love that occurred at Supanova!
But that's not all! Join me after the jump and we'll share more Jennifer Hale/Mass Effect love that occurred at Supanova!
Jennifer Hale,
mass effect,
Star Wars,
Review: NECA Life-Size Portal Gun Replica!
We've just returned from an action-packed weekend at Perth's biggest ever Supanova Pop Culture Expo, and as our haul image teased, one of the most coveted items on the convention floor was the Aperture Laboratories Hand-Held Portal Device, NECA's life-size replica of your favourite problem solving gun. So coveted, in fact, that it sold out very, very early on Saturday morning, within seconds of the doors opening. But fret not! I managed to snag one and I'm going to tell you all about it! Plus, I'm never going to have to use stairs again!
To find out why you need a problem-solving portal gun... join me after the jump!
Takashi Miike is back in the period samurai genre after his magnificent adaptation of the 13 assassins with a film called Hara-Kiri: DEATH OF A SAMURAI!!
"A tale of revenge, honour and disgrace, centering on a poverty-stricken samurai who discovers the fate of his ronin son-in-law, setting in motion a tense showdown of vengeance against the house of a feudal lord."
Takeshi Miike killed it with the "13 Assassins" mixing old style Japanese film making with his own unique style. Really looking forward to seeing this one, hopefully on the big screen.
Two trailers in a row?? I'm just tying you over until Luke bombards you with some Supanova updates that I'm sure are going to be pretty cool and will make me feel super jelly for not being able to afford to go.
As jelly as this horse
"A tale of revenge, honour and disgrace, centering on a poverty-stricken samurai who discovers the fate of his ronin son-in-law, setting in motion a tense showdown of vengeance against the house of a feudal lord."
Takeshi Miike killed it with the "13 Assassins" mixing old style Japanese film making with his own unique style. Really looking forward to seeing this one, hopefully on the big screen.
Two trailers in a row?? I'm just tying you over until Luke bombards you with some Supanova updates that I'm sure are going to be pretty cool and will make me feel super jelly for not being able to afford to go.
As jelly as this horse
Black Dynamite the animated series
Studio Titmouse and Adult Swim are bringing the explosive Black Dynamite back to your screen
This time he's animated
I don't know if any of you were able to catch the pilot way back in August of last year but that was something special. They managed to capture all the blacksploitation parody and humour of the original live action film and then they punched you in the laugh guts with "muppet" villains complete with musical numbers.
This time he's animated
I don't know if any of you were able to catch the pilot way back in August of last year but that was something special. They managed to capture all the blacksploitation parody and humour of the original live action film and then they punched you in the laugh guts with "muppet" villains complete with musical numbers.
Pretty excited to see this series that premieres July 15th
adult swim,
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