There are a few things you should know to begin with; I have never seen the original UK Primeval series. I want to give it a shot, but many people have warned me off it saying that the effects are terrible and the plots hang by a shoe string at best. But when Canada picked up a spin off show in Primeval New World, I thought it might be worth a crack, especially given the directors and producers making appearances are Stargate alumni and Niall Matter from Eureka was leading the show. Already, there were some favourable ingredients.
Another thing to know, I love dinosaurs, but I rarely see them done well on television. I cannot believe what a joke Terra Nova was and that was a recent failing in the foray of dinosaur animation and storytelling. Primeval New World certainly was on the money with the dinosaurs.
I believe the show is being run on the American channel SyFy in June if you haven’t had a chance to see it yet, but the DVD has already been released in the UK.
To give you the background; Evan Cross (Niall Matter) is a genius with his own company, Cross Photonics, but instead of working on his next innovation in the industry, he hangs out with Predator Control in the city. As it turns out, it’s because he has discovered that dinosaurs are coming through temporal disturbances known as Anomalies, and these dinosaurs are killing people... one of the victims was his wife.
Under the cut I’ll discuss the shows plot, some speculation on where it could be going and also give 5 reasons why this show should be renewed as sadly, after just 13 episodes it has been canned. I’m not suggesting that this is the next Firefly, but I think the record speaks for itself on solid shows not given enough of a go after their first season, and Primeval New World certainly fits that bill. It starts a little clunky, finding its style and feel, but it quickly delivers a solid storyline with interesting characters and arcs and I am told is much darker than the UK version, yet still accessible.
More discussion under the cut.
Primeval New World is definitely about dinosaurs, unlike some of its predecessors, and takes them seriously. It also takes plot and character development seriously, which means you aren’t left with the dinosaurs and nothing else.
Each character takes a unique journey as the series unfolds and I’ll go through the plot through those character points.

Evan Cross is the star of the show, struggling to come to terms with the loss of his wife and the existence of the things that killed her. He spends all his time developing technology to track the dinosaurs and the anomalies and spends very little time on his own company goals. Evan has altered the course of history by saving Mac, a man who died saving him by coming through the anomaly right at the correct moment. Upon meeting Mac, Evan decides to save him by ensuring that he never enlists in the army.
This is probably Evan’s major mistake, and he spends a lot of time coming to terms with it, especially when Connor Temple shows up from the presumed future (and original UK Primeval series) and tells him that everything must be put back, the creatures, everything, because any interference could disrupt the world as we know it.
In addition to Mac, Evan recruits Dylan, a Predator Controller who after being exposed to the world of dinosaurs can’t really go back to the way that she was. Dylan has expert knowledge on animals, prehistoric and otherwise, and she and Evan are the main hunting team. They spend each episode tracking anomalies and hunting down the dinosaurs that come out of them to put them back as per Connor’s advice. Dylan and Evan also have incredible chemistry which is only vaguely skirted around in season 1.
Mac on the other hand is a guard; his job is basically to be the military style muscle if something goes wrong. He usually gets posted at the anomaly but he also gets into the fray fighting with the creatures. His girlfriend in the series, Sam, is a security guard at Cross Photonics and gets mauled by one of the dinosaurs in the series. It’s a shame because she was a good character, but certainly served to up the stakes and to cause tension between Evan and Mac. When Mac discovers his body on ice in Evan’s secret part of the facility, things become even more hostile. Ultimately, Mac wants to know whether Evan stole his life or gave him another chance.
Mac’s best friend on the team is Toby, Evan’s tech support and all round genius with computers. Watching Toby and Mac’s friendship develop is fun and in the end something that his character would never have had if Evan hadn’t altered the course of his history.
Evan’s presumed best friend is Ange, his business partner and long time right hand woman. Ange and Evan are a team and she runs his company for him, negotiating and closing deals, forming strategic alliances. She doesn’t agree with what Evan is doing and thinks that the Government/Military outfit ‘Project Magnet’ should take over. Evan and Ange strike up a brief and complicated relationship that ends in tears, and really showcases that fact that just because people say you should give something a go doesn’t mean that it’s either a good idea or that there was anything there to begin with.
Lieutenant Leeds is the head of Project Magnet, a ill-used Lieutenant whom you can never tell whether to trust, has a strange sense of humour compounded with a striking sense of duty. Leeds takes both the team and the viewer on a see-saw of who is lying and why and we spend much of the season not knowing which side he is actually on. He captures a baby Terra Bird and deceives the team to present it to his superiors for funding to help the team. This leads to the military taking many more specimens and experimenting on them. Our heroes are more than unhappy about this.
Five Reasons Primeval New World Should Be Renewed
1. It Rocks the Ladies

Primeval New World is one of the few new shows with a mixed gender cast that is equally males and females. While this helps to take away the chances of the woman being stereotyped, it also helps with a more realistic portrayal of relationships and stories. All of the female characters in this series are strong in their own ways. Dylan is a hunter and runs into the fray with Evan who is far less experienced and has to trust her. Ange runs Evans company, is a master negotiator and business woman and when she believes in something, she sticks by her convictions. Toby is the most timid of the group, but often puts herself in harms way despite being afraid because she believes it’s the right thing to do. She is also brilliant at her job. Sam had spunk and was brave, and as the show developed more guest females were included. It’s a really awesome thing to see as it doesn’t often happen. Great to see so many female directors and writers as well, including the absolutely amazing Amanda Tapping.
2. Great Dinosaurs

Seriously, the dinosaur effects were pretty awesome, and the use of the dinosaurs in the plot was fantastic. They were both victims and perpetrators; you felt sorry for them at some times and you wanted to off them at other times. The explorations of much darker themes through the dinosaurs are something that Jurassic Park started and that hasn’t been adequately replicated since. The fact that there aren’t really any happy endings in this story, either dinosaur or human dies, only serves to intensify the heart of the heroes in their conviction to try.
3. The Plot is Great
The way the plot has moved slowly from dinosaur of the week through to answering some of the burning questions and revealing more information about the anomalies has been great. As the plot thickens we find ourselves wanting to know more, wanting to know about the anomalies and how they came about, what happens if certain things change, what happens if your get stuck somewhere. I mean, Colin Ferguson’s character in the show, stepping into the past and being stuck there, complete with technology ,was a really strong move and I am sure that was going somewhere. I want to know what that means for the future of these characters. And these sorts of questions were peppered throughout the show. The Stargate flavour of the show doesn’t hurt either, with so many Stargate alumni working on it, the effects and story really took on a Stargate feel which I have been missing in my life, especially the final two episodes and the junction plotline. It’s a formula that works and engages the adventure in this kind of story.
4. Crossover

As I said before, I haven’t seen the UK Primeval series, though I am planning to give it a crack soon based on this show. Suffice to say, when Connor Temple showed up, I got how important he was, I got the charisma and the hint at the back story and I definitely wanted more. These are separate but entwined stories, much like Stargate and Stargate Atlantis. Watching them cross over is a lot of fun and trying to decide how all the teams are affected if just one changes anything is really cool.
The pace of the final two episodes as well as the discovery of a lot of key information was a blast, and the cliff hanger ending had me screaming at the television. Look away now if you don’t want to read spoilers for the end of the series but if not, here is what happened.
Project Magnet is taking over, with leverage over Evan and with Ange in their employ. During a mission, Toby is stung by a giant scorpion and is failing quickly. Mac stays with her while Evan and Dylan try to get a venom sample. When they head through the anomaly they see that this is a junction, a place with hundreds of anomalies, that if the Military find they will exploit. Col. Hall wants to use the anomalies to change the world, stop global warming in particular, but doesn’t understand the potential cost. On the mission, Evan encounters the exact anomaly that resulted in his wife’s death and works hard to not interfere. He and Dylan successfully obtain the venom sack of the scorpion but Evan is trapped and Toby flat-lining.
As Dylan delivers the sack to her timeline, Connor Temple follows a colleague through an anomaly from his own into the junction. He encounters Dylan and helps to rescue Evan. The team in turn help him to find his missing friend, who is in Evan’s wife’s death anomaly. Together the group rescues Connor’s team mate, but when they head back through they are followed by the dinosaur. Col. Hall finds out about the junction from Ange, Toby is saved, and the Col. Comes through in time to capture the dinosaur and demand that Connor and his colleague come back through our anomaly. Nothing is looking good for space-time at this stage. Nothing.
Mac confronts Connor about the man in the freezer and whether he had his life stolen. Connor tells him to live this life and that only people who are in an anomaly when the timeline changes will remember a different timeline anyway, everyone else just keeps living.
Ange confronts Connor who convinces her that he and his team mate need to be allowed to go home. She agrees and he promises to return for their weaponry. As this exchange is happening, the dinosaur gets free and is being herded back to the anomaly. Col. Hall realises his error too late and presumably pays for it with his life. Evan, Mac and Dylan send the dinosaur into the correct anomaly, and ponder what will happen now that there is no future Mac to save Evan. Although Evan is willing to take this risk, Mac dives in, believing that this was his purpose all along, and we see him push Evan in the past out of the way of the dinosaur’s jaws. Evan realises that at some point it was always him that caused his wife’s death because he sent the dinosaur through. When it charges back into the junction, Evan shoots the creature dead. Suddenly all of the anomalies start closing and Evan realises that they have changed something, as they leap into their own anomaly, it begins to disappear and the show ends.
I have some theories about what happens next. I think Dylan and Evan will be the only ones who remember the shift in the timeline because they are in an anomaly when it happens. This will bring them closer together and may facilitate them getting together. I think their world will be vastly altered. For some reason, I keep thinking that if Evan isn’t deleted from the timeline because Mac actually failed to save him, then he is married or with Ange and they both work for Project Magnet. This would be a good way of prolonging any potential relationship with Dylan... annoyingly. It’s likely that the project would be 100% military operated, because the civilians have been the forerunners in our timeline.
But what was the big change? Was it that Evan shot and killed the dinosaur that killed his wife when it had done its job? Before it could actually do something else that he isn’t aware of because he isn’t the centre of time and space contrary to popular belief? It seems probable; the anomalies started closing when he did that. It could be that Mac wasn’t killed on the other side, or didn’t save Evan, yet Evan was on the other side ready to kill the dinosaur causing a paradox and the timeline needed to correct itself. These are also viable. It could be something that Connor did inadvertently in our timeline, leaving the weapons behind, but this is doubtful. Needless to say, there are a lot of possibilities and thinking about it is giving me a lot of joy.
If you love Primeval New World too, check out the Save Primeval New World campaigns. It’s possible that after its run in the US in June, SyFy will pick it up. Get behind it, because I really need to know what happens next!

My husband and I watched Primeval after Primeval:New World ran its course. The former is a far superior series; not a single one disappointed. Give it a try!
ReplyDeleteI have to agree. Primeval, UK, version is actually vastly better, even if the dinos don't appear as real as the Canadian version. I think the anomalies started disappearing because in Conner's timeline in the UK show, they made them disappear all at once... for a time.
DeleteDont forget that Primeval UK just ended cause the most protagonists just stuck somewhere or died. It's only known that Conner survived.
DeleteI hope that Helen Cutter/Eve and the guy who dissapeared in the anomaly make a Team together.
finally, it's about time some one did an article like this and best of all all of your reasons are sound. hopefully, this may help the show get renewed. Thank you Vanessa.
ReplyDeleteP.S. I hope that you get around to watching the UK series as it is one of the best Sci-Fi shows us Brits have ever made.
Thanks so much for the kind words. I really hope it contributes to getting the show back on air because it was fantastic.
DeleteI'm giving the UK series a shot at the moment so I hope to blog about what I think about it.
This is the best show on TV!!!! It must have a second season, I really really hope someone else picks it up!! I loved every single episode, and really need to know what happens next! The best show to come out in a very very long time!!!
ReplyDeleteYou know, I was really impressed by the consistency of story telling, acting and development. It's certainly one of the most engaging sci-fi shows in a long time.
DeleteNot even close!
DeleteThe original UK Primeval started out a little shaky, but damn the last two season were great!!
ReplyDeletecome on put it back on plz I am 15 teen and I love it plz plz
ReplyDeleteI really wish they would reconsider, I love dinosaurs and this has been the only show to bring them to the table! Not only that, I want to find out what they did to the timeline! OH, and more Connor Temple would never go amiss!
ReplyDeleteYes!!! more conner temple and Abi
DeleteI watched all the original UK Primeval. The show had a strong fan base. Strong enough that when it was cancelled after 3 series, it was recommissioned for 2 more. After that cancellation it was picked up by a Canadian/North American production company. It was strongly anticipated by all the UK Primeval fans and it did deliver. All loved the crossover because it fit so well. Now once again Primeval New World's fan base is watching and waiting as it goes around the world. Waiting for it to come to their country. Canada, UK, Germany, France. We in the states are still waiting and even though some will buy the DVD, we'll still watch it when it gets to the SYFY channel. Come on how much more need to be said or done to get it going again. We all do want a 2nd series of Primeval: New World. How about it?
ReplyDeleteThis is the clincher isn't it? That we all have to wait so long to have these new shows and by the time they get to us, they might have already been cancelled. I'm a big believer in the DVDs and then if the show gets picked up, watching to keep the ratings up, but it's completely absurd that the old ratings system determines how shows like this get picked up. Seriously, it's a dated system and they need something new to monitor how many people are actually keen to see the show renewed. They cancelled before they could get a proper gauge of how many people in the world would be interested.
DeleteI am moving onto Primeval now so stay tuned for some thoughts on that! and spread the word!
Vanessa, the problem is that so many people don't hear about amazing shows like this one until they suddenly catch it online and by time they discover it, the show has been cancelled. I watch most my shows on the internet after they have aired on TV because I won't subscribe to watching the TV. The commercials alone are disgusting and I don't want that kind of influence in my home. So we can pick and choose to watch what we want without interruption of filthy commercials on the internet. But I do want to be counted as a fan of Primeval and want it to keep going.
DeleteExactly my opinion as to why the show should return. In the meantime however, hopefully ITV decide to commission Series 6 of the original because leaving the show on such a massive cliffhanger is just terrible and exactly the same problem that occurred with Series 3.
ReplyDeleteIt's fascinating what has happened with this show. So many cancellations that just lead to more seasons. I have heard that the who thing ended on a cliffhanger, so fingers crossed New World gets picked up and that provides enough justification for the sixth series of the original show to be picked up at the same time.
Deletethis show gave out more visual display that showed the dinos realistic. i loved all the episodes i watch and i think there should defiantly be a season 2 at any cost!!!
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of cost. How do you reckon we could Kickstart it? I mean, the Veronica Mars movie has just raised close to 5 million for a movie so many years after the series ended. Primeval has such a huge fan base. Maybe a show of monetary support will help?
DeleteMy theory is that Mac was wearing the wrong uniform when he went into the anomaly causing the change to happen. This means he should have stayed in England gone into the army then be employed by the ARC and then save Even from coming with Connor from the english anomaly. So maybe Kieran (Connor's Friend) and Mac's roles should have been swapped but Even brought Mac to Canada instead?
ReplyDeleteI think this is also plausible. If Mac, presumed dead, is seen by Evan as being from the the USA military as opposed to some secret branch maybe he reacts differently?
DeleteI think that Evan changed one very important thing in Mac. A change to a human beings destiny is huge. Makes sense as well that this might be the reason.
I thought it was a joke to make Mac the tough guy! In the real world this might work, but not on a fantasy TV show. The guy has no training & nothing in his experience i saw in the show for him to be the alpha male!!
DeleteThe dinosaurs were created for the UK series "Walking with dinosaurs" a factual programme. They were so incredible that producers wanted to use them with an adventure series, hence Primeval UK. If you love dinosaurs tho do check the original documentaries!
ReplyDeletethey made a mistake in distancing the original from new world, it would have worked better if there had been an appearance of abby maitland, more conor and others from the original series.
ReplyDeletehowever, people from the uk watched out of loyalty for the original series and in the hope if new world was a success, then we had a chance of getting the original series and cast back.
sorry, but new world was pap in comparison to the uk version and with that the franchise has ended.
don't think i'll even bother with the dvd release, it's ran its course guys and the times right to finish it off.
I love this show! I know it may have had its weaker points but then what show doesn't! Am I the only one who prefers New World to the original. Don't get me wrong I like Primeval but New World just caught me from the start, I was hooked after just a few minutes! Every episode just got better and better and the last 2 episodes were AMAZING!!!! The best of the whole season! This show has something special and it needs a second chance, a second season to show people what its got! I have never believed in a show as much as I believe in Primeval New World and I hope beyond hope that it gets a second season, it needs a second season!
ReplyDeleteLove the article by the way I think you've come up with some really good reasons to save this fantastic show. The original Primeval is really good, give it a go!
Thanks, glad you liked the article and love the show too. Primeval New World genuinely excited me and I want to know desperately what has happened to its characters. Given that it's been canned without airing virtually anywhere else in the world and with only 13 episodes, seems a bit premature.
DeleteGarbage compared to the original, really global warming, that's the main Canadian gov't issue!?!
DeleteI agree with you! Primeval new world is way better than the original! I really hope they make season 2 I want to know what happenes!
DeleteIf you really thought it was garbage then you wouldnt have replied or gone into this site in the first place. I found the original really boring comparded to new world which was great. And on the plus side the acting and story line is way better.
DeleteWhat sucks is that I really didn't hear about this show till after it's cancellation. I hope they bring it back. My kids and I have become huge fans. Don't they advertise these shows anymore? They should pay attention to this article.
ReplyDeleteSign this guys.... I WANT A SECOND SEASON!!!
HELL YES!!! This is the first good sci-fi series I've seen since TERRA NOVA. I'd hate to see another one go down the drain. I watched both "Primeval" and "Primeval: New World" and they were both equally awesome. I hope Syfy or Netflix pick it up. "Primeval: New World" or "Terra Nova".
DeletePrimeval was the BEST show EVER!!!! It beats the daylight of the dinosaur things today and it had the most SUSPENSE of all time.
ReplyDeleteif you are reading this PLEASE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY BRING IT BACK!!!!!
It is too bad this isn't being given a second chance. the first 3 episodes started off slow, but the back six were excellent and you can tell that the series was finding it's swing. The second season would have been fantastic.
ReplyDeleteThe UK show is worth a watch it is soooo much better, but this one was good too, got better near the end.
ReplyDeleteSeason 1 uk might seem lame but you have to watch it all the way to the final season/series as every episode gets better just like new world xxx
Seriously watch The UK show it<s WAYYYYYYY !!!! Beter than this one, The Arc is way more organise and inteligent than project magnet
ReplyDeleteI've seen the first two and a half seasons and I am not convinced thus far. Any recommendations for episode numbers? I am really struggling to be honest.
DeleteUr kidding... right? At one point in time, I watched the UK version and enjoyed the show so much, I was thrilled to hear of its return to television in the form of Primevel: New World and now I find out that it's been CANCELLED?! The PTB at SyFy should have their collective heads placed on spikes if this show isn't renewed. Give it a fighting chance for those of us here in the States who love our Dino action and the interaction between various human characters! Awesome seeing Niall Matter back on the small screen as things just weren't the same since the demise of Eureka.
ReplyDeleteI do miss Eureka.
DeleteIt's not dumb to drop a show due to poor ratings. What's dumb is that a new primeval series was made and I didn't know it was out until after they cancelled it after the fist season. I've been a primeval fan for a few years. I remember reading that they were going to make an American version, but I thought it was just going to be an Americanized Remake like they usually do. This was a lot better than some remake. But, they're airing it out in the US over a year after it ended. Where else did they wait to air it out? This show had a fan base already built in, why didn't they make it available to that fan base when it first came out? No wonder they got such bad returns.
ReplyDeleteExactly. Just exactly.
ReplyDeleteThey are hoping that airing it on Syfy will result in Syfy commissioning season two so...
So whilst this is an old thread, I wanted to give my thoughts on the cause of a possible timeline change.
ReplyDeleteThe original incident causing Evan to be exposed to the anomalies not only introduced him to Mac working for arc, (not dressed in a Canadian military uniform), but more importantly left him in the possesion of a 2012 scanner built using his own tech which hadn't been developed yet.
Howard Kanan stated (before he fled through an anomaly) that he was on the verge of perfecting photonic tech when 5 years ago evans stumbled on the right idea in one try. It stands to reason then that Evan in fact got the tech from the scanner ARC Mac brings with him that the Mac sent thru doesn't have.
Either way, I hope they renew it at some point, and am disapointed about the international broadcasts. It hasn't aired or even been anounced for Australia yet.
I only discovered it because I have a Hulu account (thru and saw an ad for it. Watched all of the UK series on Netflix.
P.S. Did you ever get around to watching all of the original UK series?
DeleteI really hope it gets renewed too and good theory on the timeline shift.
DeleteAnd no, I've only made it about half way thought season 3. Every time I think it's getting better something happens that completely shatters my ability to suspend disbelief. I don't know how to get back into it.
DeleteI have watched both "Primeval" and "Primeval: New World" and find both series to be quit good. For those that still labour under the Delusion that when we are told that shows we like are "Canceled" due to "Low Ratings" that that is the "True" reason..... The True circumstance is that the Board is pushing a different program someone with money has greased the palms to push on us! It's just about proffits, and unfortunately, NOT about the Program itself....
ReplyDeleteFunny...that's exactly what they said about the original Star Trek back in know, the show that had 4 spin-offs, several movies, including a new one that just came out recently, and is one of the most syndicated shows in the history of television. I have a feeling that the person that decided to cancel this show may be related to the idiot that once told Elvis Presley he should go back to driving a truck for a living.
ReplyDeleteits all about ratings etc, these days they wont give a show more than 1 season and let it develop, which is sad as I enjoyed it, I was a fan on the UK primeval from the start, so when that ended and I seen this I was happy, but canned after just 1 season is short sited
ReplyDeleteI am and was a huge Primeval fan. But, Primeval:New World was complete garbage. They called both Terror birds and Gorgonopsid "dinosaurs" as well as giant snakes, etc. Ok... that makes the writers not just plain stupid... but unable to google their facts. Terror birds didn't come around until after the mass extinction event of the dinosaurs. Gorgonopsids are Therapsida and much more closely related to mammals than dinos. The nice thing about the original was that the writing actually looked up many of the facts. And, when people called things dinos that weren't... the person was corrected. That was cool... These guys just called everything "Dinos". This... well... Bad, uneducated writing.
ReplyDeleteNext, that some "hobbyist" would be able to take a small team like this and go out and do what they did... be all military about it, and ... also a bit on the far fetched and just poorly written side. The whole thing just felt somewhat hacky and low budget. The ARC concept was done so much better... And, this show would have felt better if they had at least followed some semblance of that concept.
Last, the original primeval had ARC addressing anomalies all over. This one somehow assumes that all anomalies seem to only occur in the Vancouver region, and very repeatedly. Which is a bit far fetched, had no good explanation placed behind it, and again... lent to the complete low budget feel, and showed very poor writing.
I completely understand why this show was canned after one season. And, for the sake of the original, I wish it had never gotten the season it had. Because, now there may never be an actual "good" reboot of what I feel was a great show plagued with actor and writer turnovers that slowly killed it as a concept. Now, I don't blame the actors of this new series. They did a pretty good job considering the load of crap they were handed. But, the writers, producers, and directors... well... they should be banned from even attempting another SciFi drama again... because... obviously, they don't cut it.
Anyway... my 2 cents.
This show blows. Try Terra Nova. Its 10x better, not to mention it has a higher budget, character depth quality, and overall film quality.
ReplyDeleteOh, come on! it's been two years since it was cancelled and they still haven't found another network to pick it up for a second season. Why can't Syfy or BBC Canada revive Primeval: New World for a second season? Maybe it's time for Primeval: New World to be made into TV movies. I really want to see where it leaves off.