Thursday, August 22, 2013

Thursday Threesome - ROBOTS!

If you're a frequent visitor to Fruitless Pursuits, I expect that like me, you've at one time or another wished that you had a Robot Best Friend.  Of course you have!

Today's Thursday Threesome will reveal to the world the Top 3 Robots I wish I could have as my friend!  (Oh I excluded Transformers from the list, or else that's all that would BE on the list)

Join me after the JUMP!

1.  Short Circuit's Johnny 5:

Johnny 5 was one of five military robots invented by Americans in the 80's to kill their many, many enemies.  Luckily, he gets hit by lightning and becomes self aware.  Or in his own words, "Number ALIVE!" 

So this lovable weapon of mass destruction takes the name Johnny 5 and wanders off to hang out with Ally Sheedy and The Gute (Steve Guttenberg) to have wacky adventures.   Well, who wouldn't want that?  He even gets to dress up like a cowboy for some reason! 

Ever since I saw Short Circuit I've wanted my own Johnny 5...he's may be a little bit clumsy, but he's well read and got a lot of personality...

2.  Terminator:

Ok, I don't know about you, but when I saw Terminator 2, I wanted to BE John Connor.  I'd LOVE to have a Terminator of my very own!  I'm STILL mad that they got rid of him at the end...particularly since melting him down didn't solve anything (cough*Terminator 3&4*cough)...

There's the good old T-800, looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger...riding motorcycles around California, listening to Guns N' Roses and shooting stuff.  Pretty awesome!  Then again, now that I'm an adult, I'd probably rather have THIS model of Terminator...

Awesome robot on the inside, Summer Glau on the outside?  I call that a win/win!

3.  Star Wars - R2-D2:

Saving the best for last...every little boy born in the 70's (and 80's, and 90's, and so on...)obviously really wishes he had his very own R2 unit!  I don't even feel like I have to justify the's Artoo freakin' Detoo!  If you don't wish R2-D2 lived at your house, I'm not even sure I can relate to you as a human being anymore! 

Yeah, R2-D2...he's probably the most beloved Robot of all time.  You can't beat the classics...Why can't I buy my own R2 yet?  I've found the blueprints online!  Lucas?  Disney?  Bueller??  Anyone?!? 

Not to mention there are...other have an R2 unit...

Ladies LOVE Artoo!  One day....

AND that's it!  My 3 robots!  That sounds like an excellent idea for a sitcom. 

There are SOOO many robots to choose from though...You've heard all my choices, now what are yours?


  1. Short Circuit was a staple of my childhood. I'm surprised it hasn't been remade yet

    1. Dont' give them any ideas! They'd probably have a CGI robot "acting" alongside Ashton Kutcher or something...
