Perth’s biggest pop culture convention, Supanova, is this weekend and Fruitless Pursuits will be there in force! For the first time we will be there with our very own stall and we will have lots of awesome stuff for sale. Plus we’ll be taking plenty of photos of cosplay and events to feature on our site!
You can come and find us at Stall L in Artist’s Alley, but if you’re having trouble finding us, look out for our giant poster showing off our brand new chibi caricatures, created by amazing artist and friend, Linda Foote...
It shows off all six of the Perth team who will be at the stall or roaming the floor, so keep an eye out for us. You’ll see these images (plus images of our American Team) popping up more often on the site moving forward, and hopefully they will assist in you getting to know us.
But in the meantime, check out the actual stuff we have on offer - including original playing cards, books, comics and badges... after the jump!
The biggest thing for me is the launch of The Playing Card Project, a custom deck of cards I’ve been working on for about a year.
The biggest thing for me is the launch of The Playing Card Project, a custom deck of cards I’ve been working on for about a year.
I photographed 54 (mostly local) female models, all of which brought their own unique style and ideas to the shoot and I’m thrilled that these are finally available for people to purchase...
The card decks are very limited though. I only had a 100 to sell and about a dozen of those have gone already so do get in early if you want to secure a deck. They’ll be $10 each at our stall.
And even more limited is a 120 page plus paperback collection of my 24 hour comics and associated stories entitled The Complete Bunnies That Hate.
And even more limited is a 120 page plus paperback collection of my 24 hour comics and associated stories entitled The Complete Bunnies That Hate.
This book has sexy, glossy colour covers and rough and raw black and white interiors. It’s about stupid rabbits that do stupid things and includes stories such as: The Lost Tomb of Jesus, Curse of the Cock Goblin, and The Infinity Gate.
Don’t forget that most of these were really done in 24 hour stints, so it’s puerile, profane, ridiculous and definitely not suitable for children. Also I spelled my own name wrong on the spine so you know you’re getting a first printing.
I only have 20 copies of this book available so you’ll also have to get in fast. The are $20 each and I will draw you a picture on the title page and throw in a free Bunnies That Hate badge.
And there are other comics too! Glorious Bounty (also available online and serialised on Fruitless Pursuits before going on hiatus) will also be available.
This is the comic drawn by Edward J. Grug III and written and coloured by me. It’s about pathetic space bounty hunters who don’t like each other very much. Book One: The Sexy Virus is completely sold out, but don’t worry as each book is a self-contained story. We have Book Two: The Sticky Goat Affair (split into two books actually but you get both for the price of one), and limited numbers of Book Three: The Convoluted Killbots available for sale.
And badges! We have a LOT of them! There is a ton of stuff for you to choose from!
There are Bunnies That Hate (and Mighty Triceracats) badges...
And if you are a listener of The Book Was Better podcast (the podcast that discusses/debates/mocks the hastily written book of the film) (and that I host) then please come and say hello and grab your free Book Was Better bookmark and badge (while they last)...
And we’ll have Fruitless Pursuits business cards and a small number of freebie badges too (and a very small number of badges featuring our chibi likenesses) so come and grab that too. I also have the coolest business card ever but you will have to approach me and ask for one of those.

How can I buy this deck with sending in Russia? =)