Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tuesday Bounty! Glorious Bounty is Action-Packed!

WHAA!? Edward J. Grug and my ongoing sci-fi/humour comic Glorious Bounty has ACTION!? I thought it was all just talking about stuff! But noooooooo - this new page has so much action in it that you're going to think it was drawn by Jim Lee and written by Geoff Johns! That's a lot of action!

When we last left the Bounty crew, Deevis was showing off in his temporary robot body and was about to launch his mighty murder missile at a target who is way out of their league. It looked like it was going to end in tears. Will it end it tears? Why don't you take the two seconds to read it and find out!

Click to embiggen or visit the official site.

And as I always say, it's never too late to man up and start reading Glorious Bounty. So if you're a Bounty virgin, take my hand and I'll lead you back to Chapter One where I will be very, very gentle...

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