How did I solve this ridiculously trivial first world problem?! I returned to eBay and sought out the assistance in the dark tunnels of the customiser underworld! How does a custom head stack up against an official Hot Toy? The results might surprise you...
Firstly a disclaimer. I ADORE Hot Toys - they produce the most phenomenally detailed and realistic work that is currently available - and I will always encourage you to purchase the real deal. But it’s also fun to put together versions of characters that are not yet officially available, so I was interested to see what sorts of things were on offer. And the quality varies considerably, so I considered this a gamble. There are plenty of custom head sculpts out there that look absolutely awful, and even the better ones are often photographed awfully meaning that you always don’t get a fair indication of what they’ll actually look like in person.
I was torn between two options. One was more accurate to his appearance in The Avengers in terms of hair and overall look, but it was a smoother, younger, more flattering sculpt. Perhaps not as detailed as it could be. The second appears to be based on his appearance in Iron Man 3, with the shorter hair and more rugged, age-appropriate face. This one was cheaper too, so I opted to mix and match and grab a Tony as he looks right now. And, upon its arrival the other day, I have to admit that I’m very impressed with their work.
And there’s an additional issue here - this head STILL doesn’t properly attach to the Hot Toys TrueType body. The head doesn’t come with a neck, and although you can plug it into the neck on the TrueType it looks far too short - the whole in the head swallows up most of it and makes Tony look ridiculous. I’ve got it loosely sitting on top for most of this images, which will be fine for display too, but it would be better if it was secure. Perhaps there’s some type of adaptor I need to investigate.

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