Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Jurassic Park Playmobil Advent Calendar Day 24: Daddy.

Joy to the world! It's the final day of the Jurassic Park Playmobil advent calendar and I am about to be free of the arduous task of documenting the sordid goings on of the island! When we last left our hero Dr. Ian Goldblum, he had made love to an enchanted raptor which then laid two big eggs. Is he ready to become a father?

Let's open Door Number 24 and see what happens!

 And... it's... a...

Giant egg!?

Okay, so yesterday there were two smaller eggs, and now there's one giant one! I can only assume that one of the eggs grew to unholy proportions, and the other one was eaten by Goldblum for breakfast. A growing egg! Have you ever heard of such a - oh - oh wait... I think it's HATCHING!

ZOMG, you guys... it's... it's...

It's a baby boy!

Meet Golblum's freakish hybrid son, who he will name Dr. Ian Goldblumsaurus Jr, because he is a raging narcissist. Isn't he beautiful? This truly is a Christmas miracle! Even Laura Derp is so enchanted by this magical birth that she is allowing Ian to be in close proximity to her...

In fact, seeing as how it's Christmas Eve, I wouldn't be surprised if this was actually some kind of Messiahsaurus! Yes, Dr. Ian Goldblumsaurus Jr has risen to ring in the apocalypse! Isn't that fantastic!? Merry Christmas everyone and thanks for playing!

But the fun isn't quite over yet. Stick around because I'm just about to pop open the Lego Star Wars advent calendar!

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