Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Tumblr Rulz: Pixel Art by Sixteen Bits

I found Sixteen Bits while gathering art for my previous article The Art of Wrestling. And what find it was. 

Sixteen Bits has been creating pixel art of.. well, basically every character ever created. His style reminds me of the face-forward background characters (NPC's) in an old school RPG. Somehow he was able to capture each characters unique facial expressions using just a few varying pixels.


Party Down

Doctor Who - The Eleven Doctors
Click through the jump for many more. There are characters from Beetlejuice, Pulp Fiction, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Tim Burton / Joel Schumaker Batman villains, Star Wars, a ton of wrestlers from the early 1980's, and my favorite... 108 Lost characters (which I couldn't remember more than half of, so I guess it's time to start from the beginning again.)


Tim Burton / Joel Schumaker Batman Villains


WWF Stars From The Early 1980's

Pulp Fiction

Star Wars

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Bill Murray

108 Lost Characters

If you are as confused as me on the Lost characters, here's a list of all of them. Click here for the full size image.
ROW ONE: Jack / Locke / Kate / Sawyer / Hurley / Sayid / Jin / Sun / Ben / Juliet / Charlie / Claire w.Aaron
ROW TWO: Richard / Desmond / Penny / Michael / Vincent / Walt / Boone / Shannon / Faraday / Charlotte / Miles / Frank / Rose / Bernard
ROW THREE: Ana Lucia / Eko / Libby / Ilana / Bram / Nathan / Arzt / Nikki / Paolo / Frogurt / Rousseau / Pilot / Officer Mars
ROW FOUR: Charles Widmore / Eloise Hawking / Tom Friendly / Ethan / Goodwin / Mikhail / Cindy / Emma / Zack / Alex / Karl / Ms. Klugh / Pickett / Colleen
ROW FIVE: Matthew Abadon / Naomi / Keamy / Omar / Captain Gault / Minkowski / Regina / Dogan / Lennon / Zoe / Seamus / Montand
ROW SIX: Dr. Chang / Horace / Phil / Razinsky / Roger Linus / Young Ben / Amy / Oldham / Kelvin / Annie / Leonard / “Dave”
ROW SEVEN: Christian Shephard / Sarah Shephard / David Shephard / Achara / Aaron / Kate’s Mother / Kate’s Step-Father / Claire’s Mother / Nadia / Cassidy / Liam / Anthony Cooper
ROW EIGHT: Mr. Paik / Mrs. Paik w.Ji Yeon / Jai Lee / Hurley’s Mother / Hurley’s Father / Randy Nations / Yemi / Isabella / Helen / Susan Lloyd / Richard Malkin / Billy Dee Willaims as Himself :)
ROW NINE: Jacob / The Man In Black / Mother / Young Jacob / The Smoke Monster

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