Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Stryder's Favourite Comics - 11/28/2012

Can you believe how fast this year is going?  Already December and I haven't even started THINKING about Christmas.  Or at least I hadn't until I saw all the ADVENTures going on here at FP!  Gonna have to start shopping (probably at the comic book store) but FIRST...let's look at the last of November's comics, yes?

Superman #14 - "I can return Krypton to it's rightful place as the shining jewel of the cosmos."

"H'El on Earth" continues right where we left off in Supergirl #14, as Clark's cousin walks into his apartment in her full costume as he's having a conversation with Lois Lane.  Awkward!!  Luckily, Lois takes Kara for a cosplayer that Clark's interviewing for his blog, rather than the last daughter of Krypton.  Phew!  Clark ushers Lois out the door pretty darn quickly, and then it's up, up and away as the two Kryptonians go somewhere less compromising to discuss Kara's new friend, H'El!  Kara (who is enamoured of the guy after he somehow granted her the ability to understand English) believes H'El's claim that he can somehow save Krypton...Kal-El disagrees...until the stranger in question shows up in the flesh to try to change his mind!

Well, H'El tells us his origin and seems very reasonable until he produces Superboy from somewhere and tells Superman that to prove his good will, he'll now snap the clone's neck!  He should have done his research better if he thinks the Man of Steel will be convinced to join his side by cold-blooded murder!!  Of course a fight starts...one which even Superman will have a difficult time winning!

Of course there's TONS more.  Some new Before Watchmen, Batman Inc and well...see for yourself after the JUMP!

Before Watchmen: Silk Specter #4 (of 4) - "It's finally time to become the "hero" mom has been preparing me to be for, like, my whole life."

Laurie Jupiter's made a nice little hippie den home for herself in San Francisco over the course of this series, but alas, all good things must come to an end.  Corruption and drugs and the Vietnam war and all the compromises and disappointments of adulthood eventually have to start flooding into Silk Spectre's little paradise...Here's where Laurie learns that not every story has a happy ending and some things aren't going to work out the way you hoped.  It's a real coming-of-age moment.  Of course, this is still a super-hero book, so there's some punching and gun play and whatnot thrown in for good measure. 

It's funny, from the previews of the first books in the Before Watchmen universe, Silk Spectre looked as if it was going to be kind of silly and probably my least favourite.  Instead, it turned into a really interesting and poignant story. Best of the whole line in my opinion (at least so far)!  Laurie Jupiter's story is excellently told and beautifully drawn!  Good work Darwyn Cooke and Amanda Conner!  I'm sad to see this series come to a close.

Flash #14 - "I am the Future, Flash...and you're just LUNCH!"

It's the World's Fastest Man vs. the World's Fastest Talking Ape as Flash has to somehow figure out a way to stop Gorilla Grodd, despite the latter somehow gaining access to the Speed Force!  How do you stop a super-strong, super-intelligent gorilla that can also move at near-light speed?  Particularly if said gorilla comes with an entire army of intelligent (albeit slower) minions at his beck and call?  I don't know the answer to that question and, unfortunately, neither does the Flash...

At least he's got some help trying to stop this crazy gorilla invasion!  The Rogues are still in the fight, as are Turbine and Patty Spivot (the latter is helping Turbine with the promise that she'll be led to Barry Allen afterwards...little does she know just how soon that will happen)!  They are joined by yet ANOTHER Gorilla...this one is called Solovar and is an older ape who appears to have time-travelled to reach our heroes.  Perhaps we'll learn more about him NEXT month...

In other news, Daniel West arrives at his sister Iris's apartment to discover that she's been missing for 3 months.  We also get to touch in with Iris and friends still trapped within the Speed Force dimension and having zany extradimensional adventures!  What will happen to them?  Again, stay tuned...

Batman Incorporated #5 - "Because...If YOU become Batman...EVERYTHING falls apart."

We are shown one possible future this month as we revisit Batman's horrible apocalyptic vision of the fate that will befall Gotham City if Talia Al Ghul's plans succeed!  Batman shares what he was shown of the future and it is grim indeed...he has to stop this nightmare from happening at all costs!  Sadly, the only way to do that is to banish his own son, Damian "Robin" Wayne!!  For if Damian EVER becomes the Batman...well, see the quote above!  Fire and brimstone are an understatement!  There's a reason this vision is known as the 666 future and it's not simply due to it first making an appearance in (pre-New 52) Batman #666.  This future is a dark, dark place...

 Teen Titans #14 - "Only two ways this ends.  You surrendering right now--or you surrendering after we kick your ass!"

Red Robin, Wonder Girl and Superboy are investigating the archaeological dig where Wonder Girl originally found her Silent Armour when who should show up but the current possessor of said armour, her old boyfriend Diesel!  This is very convenient, as they were hoping to find him and get Cassie's armour back!  Unfortunately, he's been experimenting and figured out how to create MINIONS.  Well, that's not so bad, I guess...the Titans are always up for a battle...and it gives Diesel and Cassie a little time to have a private heart-to-heart and work out this whole "super-power ownership" problem...

There's a line in this comic where Cassie calls Tim a "nerdist."  I can just imagine Chris Hardwick's head popping up from wherever he is and looking around in bewilderment...but I digress...

While the others are off fighting Diesel, Kid Flash, Bunker and Solstice are left at some hotel in New Jersey, too beat-up from last issue to be of much help and getting bored.  It makes for some fun character moments.  There's something wacky going on too, as Solstice is getting a mental projection of some guy calling himself Lance and telling her he can make her human again.  I'm not sure, but I think this may be Blacks Canary's not-quite-dead-after-all husband, KURT Lance, in which case, this'll tie back to Amanda Waller somehow...she has a LOT of plots in play right at the moment...but that's all purely speculation at this point.

Oh, before the end of the issue, both Superboy and Red Robin have left the team (at least temporarily).  One to go get his butt kicked in "H'El on Earth" and the other to Gotham City for "Death of the Family".  Looks like the rest of the Titans are planning to follow Tim and confront the Joker!  Wonder if everyone could possibly survive?

Batman The Dark Knight #14 - "You want something to fear, Scarecrow?  FEAR ME!"

Last issue Batman managed to slip from from the restraints that were keeping him trapped on a lab table in Scarecrow's dirty basement.  Now free but still weak and delusional from Dr. Crane's newest fear toxins, the Dark Knight has his chance to retaliate!  And retaliate he does, with extreme prejudice!! 

Unfortunately, in his weakened condition, Batman is unable to capture Scarecrow, instead opting to injure him, escape and attempt to cling to life.  In doing this, in a very unBatman-like way, he overlooks the fact that Scarecrow's still got a little girl locked up and held hostage!  It actually falls to Scarecrow himself to SAVE this child's life, as the house he's using as his headquarters goes up in a giant electrical explosion thanks to the battle!  Now the little girl's got a touch of Stockholm syndrome, it appears...

In a reversal of the Scarecrow's "heroics", Batman is seriously about to die if not for the timely intervention of a different child, his son Damian "Robin" Wayne...it leads to a touching character moment between the two in a story that continues to be intriguing...

Aquaman #14 - "The answer's NO Agent Waller.  I'm not dying for you.  I only die for Aquaman."

Well the folks at DC Comics are hoping that you enjoy cross-overs, because here comes another one!  This issue is the official prelude to the Aquaman/Justice League crossover, "Throne of Atlantis", and introduces us to Aquaman's brother, the (as yet unnamed) King of Atlantis (sort of)!  Actually, although the King of Atlantis is pictured on the cover of this issue, he's randomly unnamed and shown only obscured in shadow within.  I'm not really sure why, except perhaps to make us, the readers, feel that he is a "shady character" (BA-Dum-Dum!).  Arthur must think this is true as he wishes to question his brother about the theft of the Sceptre of the Dead King that occurred last issue....the King claims no knowledge, but, you know...shady!

Meanwhile, Amanda Waller is trying to recruit the (now-imprisoned) Black Manta for the Suicide Squad!  He doesn't seem too interested, but then...Ms. Waller is not one to take no for an answer too easily.  We'll have to see how things progress...

Talon #2 - "I would kill for him until he was bored of me...and then he would throw me away."

Calvin "Talon" Rose and Sebastian Clark both want to take down the Court of Owls and end their reign of tyranny over Gotham City.  However, if they can't cooperate and work together without butting heads every five minutes, their odds seem slim indeed.  That seems to be the moral this month, as Calvin breaks into the Orchard Hotel, following Sebastian's plan, to find and either confiscate or destroy a hidden storeroom filled with a stockpile of both fabulous wealth and dangerous secrets!

Of course, both men are still arguing over methods even as their plan unfolds, and each make mistakes that threaten to ruin the whole operation as they attract the attention of one of the Court's Talons!  Not only that, but the mistakes our heroes make open them up to some serious retaliation from the Court in the future.  Readers of Batman know that making the Court of Owls angry with you is a definite recipe for disaster...

Before Watchmen: Ozymandias #4 (of 6) - "Somewhere, I knew, there were scientists adjusting the hands of the doomsday clock."

Ozymandias continues his "journal entries" this month and recounts to us the continuing saga of his rise to wealth, fame and ultimately power.  We learn of his first meetings with the Kennedys and the part he played in the Cuban Missile Crisis.  He tells us more of his rather unambitious "crime-fighting" tales, mainly to admit that he doesn't care about it nearly as much as say, Nite Owl or Rorschach do.  We learn his reaction to the assassination of JFK.  Finally, we get to see his continuing, barely restrained enmity with the Comedian as they are all invited to the "First ever meeting of the Crime-Busters!"  Mainly, we are led through his history as Adrian continues to try to explain how he came to settle on his ultimate plan to save the world, and why he feels he is justified to implement same, regardless of the cost...

And that's it!  A buttload (that's the technical term!) of comics for the week, with lots of doings a-transpiring!  Personally, I can't wait for more.  Which is ok, as I don't have to!  Tomorrow's New Comic Day brings us new issues of Action Comics, Detective Comics, Earth 2, a couple more Before Watchmen comics (DC's trying to catch up) and more!  Cool!

Of course until then you can always check out Stryder's Dementia to learn about my unfortunate charitable shortcomings...

Have a great week!  Just 21 shopping days till Christmas!  Peace!

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