Saturday, June 30, 2012

Tabletop: Episode 7 - Gloom

In this week's episode of Tabletop, Wil Wheaton joins actress Amber Benson (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), Michele Boyd (Team Unicorn), and Meghan Camarena (Strawburry17), in a very depressing game of Gloom. Not to be confused with the awesome drooling Pokemon character of the same name.

Why is it so depressing? Because it's the nature of the game. Players will try to make their team of characters as miserable as possible (by giving them negative points) before killing them off. At the same time, players will try to make each others characters happier (by giving them positive points). And the best part of all is the cards. Similar to, but pre-dating Redakai... the game includes clear cards that overlay each other enabling positive and negative points to cancel each other out in a really unique way.

I've heard that Tabletop is making a pretty big impact on board game sales, in a very positive way. I can say that I personally went out and bought Castle Panic after watching the last episode and tonight I am playing Gloom for the very first time. It's definitely making an impact on my wallet.

Here's the episode!

Click through the jump for a glimpse at next week's game.

In two weeks, we see the first RPG of the batch, Fiasco, with our favorite geek Bonnie Burton! I know nothing about this game, but it looks very interesting.

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