This image has me so excited for this Friday's episode of The Clone Wars. So much that I am posting it here as a reminder, not only for all of you, but also for myself. Every Friday, I get wrapped up in unwinding from a week's work and forget to watch it... but this week will be different.
"Nomad Droids" airs Friday Oct 14th at 8:30pm on Cartoon Network |
As an Ewok, Yoda, Jawa, Ugnaught fan (did I miss any?)... I can't wait to see what these little guys are all about.
It looks even better in
full size, courtesy of
I can't seem to embed the two preview clips, but they are available at
Toonzone's preview page, or on youTube
here and
^_^ <33 I seriously need to catch up with season 4! Thanks for the heads up.